
Titel: Mobilkommunikation
Englischer Titel: Mobile Communications
Typ: Lecture with Lab/Exercise / Module with single lecture
Kürzel / Nr. / Modulnr.: MC / CS6961.000 / ?
SWS / LP: 3V+1Ü / 6 LP
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl
Betreuer: Stephan Kleber
Termine: Lecture:
Wednesday, 08.30 - 12.00, O27-3211; Starting 16.10.2013
Wednesday, 10.00 - 12.00, O27-3211; Starting 30.10.2013 (details to be presented in first lecture)
Lernplattform: The course will be conducted using the e-learning system moodle. Please register there.

Successful participation in the lab/exercise will be credited with a grade bonus for the oral exam of 0,3 or 0,4 respectively. To achieve this, we requires presence in the exercices/labs and additional requirements that we will announce at the beginning of the course.

Prüfungstermine: Examination dates will be arranged individually.

Beschreibung und allgemeine Angaben

Einordnung in die Studiengänge:

Informatik, M.Sc., Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Medieninformatik, M.Sc., Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Informatik, M.Sc., Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Informatik, Lehramt, Wahlfach
Communications Technology, M.Sc., Technisches Wahlmodul

Lehr- und Lernformen: Lecture Mobile Communications (Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl)
Lab/Exercise Mobile Communications (Stephan Kleber)
Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl
Unterrichtssprache: English
Turnus / Dauer: each summer term / one semester
Vorraussetzungen (inhaltlich): Grundlagen der Rechnernetze, Fortgeschrittene Konzepte der Rechnernetze
Vorraussetzungen (formal): none
Grundlage für (inhaltlich): Security and Privacy in Mobile Systems
Lernergebnisse: By successfully attending this module, students achieve a deeper understanding of specific challenges and security solutions in the area of mobile communication systems that advances their level of understanding significantly beyond the lectures „Grundlagen der Rechnernetze“ and „Fortgeschrittene Konzepte der Rechnernetze“. Recent research topics in mobile communications are discussed based on current scientific publications and by that the course also introduces students into the skills required to work with and discuss about scientific literature. The lab recapitulates the topics of the lecture with a more practical approach and also verifies learned knowledge in more theoretical assignments. At the same time, the lab also includes practical hands-on exercises where students have the opportunity to apply the learned knowledge on real mobile communication systems.                   
Inhalt: The lecture is composed of three major blocks. Part one introduces important foundations of wireless communication including radio wave characteristics, fundamental laws like Nyquist and Shannon-Hartley, but also basics of modulation and encoding. Part two discusses architecture and protocols of established wireless communication systems such as WLAN, cellular networks (GSM, 3G, LTE), Bluetooth, or RFID. Finally, part three provides insights into recent research topics in mobile communication, e.g., VANETs or Wireless Sensor Networks.
Literatur: - Schiller, Mobilkommunikation, Pearson Studium
- Mischa Schwartz, Mobile Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press
- Martin Sauter, Grundkurs Mobile Kommunikationssysteme, Vieweg+Teubner
Bewertungsmethode: Oral (in case of many participants written) exam at the end of the semester; no further course assessment; grade bonus if lab passed successfully.
Notenbildung: Grade of module exam.
Arbeitsaufwand: Presence time: 60 h
Individual course work: 120 h
Sum: 180 h