Architectures for Distributed Internet Services - ADIS

The next course “Architectures for Distributed Internet Services” is planned for the coming winter semester 2025/2026.


Title: Architectures for Distributed Internet Services
German Title: Architekturen für verteilte Internet-Dienste
Type: Lecture with exercise, Module only with this course
Token / Number / Module number: AvID / CS6940.001 / 70472
Semester hours / Credits: 3L+1E / 6CP
Lecturer: Dr. Benjamin Erb, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck
Tutor: Echo Meißner
General schedule: Lecture Classes:
online; starting on 15.04.2024 12.30h in O27-2203
Lab Classes and Lecture Q&As:
on Monday 12.30h to 14.00h Room O27-2203; starting on 15.04.2024 with an introductory class
Learning platform: For the course the e-learning system Moodle is used. Please register here. The course will be open latest begin of April.
Grade bonus: A grade bonus of 0,3 resp. 0,4 is given if the lab is passed successfully. To pass the lab it is mandatory to successfully pass all but one of the lab assignments during the semester.
Exams: Oral exam by appointment with the lecturer.

Description and general information

Integration into courses of studies: Informatik, M.Sc. (FSPO 2021): Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Informatik, M.Sc. (FSPO 2021): Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Informatik, M.Sc. (FSPO 2022): Vertiefungsbereich Technische Informatik
Informatik, Lehramt Staatsexamen: Wahl
Künstliche Intelligenz, M.Sc. (FSPO 2021): Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Medieninformatik, M.Sc. (FSPO 2021): Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Medieninformatik, M.Sc. (FSPO 2021: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Medieninformatik, M.Sc. (FSPO 2022): Vertiefungsbereich Technische Informatik
Informationssystemtechnik, M.Sc.: Wahlpflicht Informatikkatalog
Software Engineering, M.Sc. (FSPO 2021): Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Software Engineering, M.Sc. (FSPO 2021): Vertiefungsfach Verteilte und Eingebettete Systeme
Software Engineering, M.Sc. (FSPO 2021): Vertiefungsfach Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
Software Engineering, M.Sc. (FSPO 2022): Vertiefungsbereich Technische Informatik
Course authority: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck  
Language: English  
Turn / Duration: irregular / one semester  
Requirements (contentual): Softwareproject, Introduction to Computer Networks, Web Engineering (recommended)  
Requirements (formal): -  
Learning objectives: Students learn fundamental architectural concepts, procedures, mechanisms and technologies to build internet-based and especially web-based services. Students will be able to identify advantages and disadvantes of available system architectures considering the required functional and nonfunctional properties. Students get insights to design appropriate solutions for concrete use cases, are able to implement them in practice, and can operate these implementations.  
Content: This module teaches different architectural concepts for Internet-based services with special focus on web-based services. In the first part, relevant developments and trends in web-based architectures and technologies are analysed and classified. This overview comprises not only historically important approaches but also modern solutions. The second part presents the design, the development and the operation of scalable web-based services based on appropriate system architectures. This includes in particular concepts for interaction, data storage and business logic, but also aspects of deployment, infrastructure, security and data protection. In the accompanying lab classes, students are introduced to the implementation of Internet-based services on basis of modern web technologies.  
Literature: Will be specified in the lecture as required; the lecture slides will be availabe in the Web.   
Course assessment and exams: Oral exam; no course certificate; grade bonus if the lab is passed successfully (modalities will be announced at the beginning)  
Grading: Grade of the oral exam  
Estimation of effort: Active time (lecture, exercise, exam): 60h (2CP)
Self-study with post-processing of the lecture, exercise assignments, exam preparation: 120h (4CP)
Sum: 180h (6CP)


Title: Architectures for Distributed Internet Services
German Title: Architekturen für verteilte Internet-Dienste
Type: Lecture with exercise, Module only with this course
Token / Number / Module number: AvID / CS6940.001 / 70472
Semester hours / Credits: 3L+1E / 6CP
Lecturer: Dr. Benjamin Erb, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck
Tutor: Dominik Meißner
General schedule: Lecture Classes:
online; starting on 19.04.2022
Lab Classes and Lecture Q&As:
online and live irregular on Wednesday 12.30h to 14.00h; starting on 20.04.2022
Learning platform: For the course the e-learning system Moodle is used. Please register here. The course will be open latest begin of April.
Grade bonus: A grade bonus of 0,3 resp. 0,4 is given if the lab is passed successfully. To pass the lab it is mandatory to successfully pass all but one of the lab assignments during the semester.
Exams: Oral exam by appointment with the lecturer.

Description and general information

Integration into courses of studies: Informatik, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Informatik, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Informatik, Lehramt: Wahl
Medieninformatik, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Medieninformatik, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Software Engineering, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Software Engineering, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte und Eingebettete Systeme
Informationssystemtechnik, M.Sc.: Wahlpflicht Informatikkatalog
Course authority: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck  
Language: English  
Turn / Duration: irregular / one semester  
Requirements (contentual): Softwareproject, Introduction to Computer Networks, Web Engineering (recommended)  
Requirements (formal): -  
Learning objectives: Students learn fundamental architectural concepts, procedures, mechanisms and technologies to build internet-based and especially web-based services. Students will be able to identify advantages and disadvantes of available system architectures considering the required functional and nonfunctional properties. Students get insights to design appropriate solutions for concrete use cases, are able to implement them in practice, and can operate these implementations.  
Content: This module teaches different architectural concepts for Internet-based services with special focus on web-based services. In the first part, relevant developments and trends in web-based architectures and technologies are analysed and classified. This overview comprises not only historically important approaches but also modern solutions. The second part presents the design, the development and the operation of scalable web-based services based on appropriate system architectures. This includes in particular concepts for interaction, data storage and business logic, but also aspects of deployment, infrastructure, security and data protection. In the accompanying lab classes, students are introduced to the implementation of Internet-based services on basis of modern web technologies.  
Literature: Will be specified in the lecture as required; the lecture slides will be availabe in the Web.   
Course assessment and exams: Oral exam; no course certificate; grade bonus if the lab is passed successfully (modalities will be announced at the beginning)  
Grading: Grade of the oral exam  
Estimation of effort: Active time (lecture, exercise, exam): 60h (2CP)
Self-study with post-processing of the lecture, exercise assignments, exam preparation: 120h (4CP)
Sum: 180h (6CP)


Title: Architectures for Distributed Internet Services
German Title: Architekturen für verteilte Internet-Dienste
Type: Lecture with exercise, Module only with this course
Token / Number / Module number: AvID / CS6940.001 / 70472
Semester hours / Credits: 3L+1E / 6CP
Lecturer: Dr. Benjamin Erb, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck
Tutor: Dominik Meißner
General schedule: Lecture Classes:
online; starting on 19.04.2022
Lab Classes and Lecture Q&As:
online and live irregular on Wednesday 12.30h to 14.00h; starting on 20.04.2022
Learning platform: For the course the e-learning system Moodle is used. Please register here. The course will be open latest begin of April.
Grade bonus: A grade bonus of 0,3 resp. 0,4 is given if the lab is passed successfully. To pass the lab it is mandatory to successfully pass all but one of the lab assignments during the semester.
Exams: Oral exam by appointment with the lecturer.

Description and general information

Integration into courses of studies: Informatik, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Informatik, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Informatik, Lehramt: Wahl
Medieninformatik, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Medieninformatik, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Software Engineering, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Software Engineering, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte und Eingebettete Systeme
Informationssystemtechnik, M.Sc.: Wahlpflicht Informatikkatalog
Course authority: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck  
Language: English  
Turn / Duration: irregular / one semester  
Requirements (contentual): Softwareproject, Introduction to Computer Networks, Web Engineering (recommended)  
Requirements (formal): -  
Learning objectives: Students learn fundamental architectural concepts, procedures, mechanisms and technologies to build internet-based and especially web-based services. Students will be able to identify advantages and disadvantes of available system architectures considering the required functional and nonfunctional properties. Students get insights to design appropriate solutions for concrete use cases, are able to implement them in practice, and can operate these implementations.  
Content: This module teaches different architectural concepts for Internet-based services with special focus on web-based services. In the first part, relevant developments and trends in web-based architectures and technologies are analysed and classified. This overview comprises not only historically important approaches but also modern solutions. The second part presents the design, the development and the operation of scalable web-based services based on appropriate system architectures. This includes in particular concepts for interaction, data storage and business logic, but also aspects of deployment, infrastructure, security and data protection. In the accompanying lab classes, students are introduced to the implementation of Internet-based services on basis of modern web technologies.  
Literature: Will be specified in the lecture as required; the lecture slides will be availabe in the Web.   
Course assessment and exams: Oral exam; no course certificate; grade bonus if the lab is passed successfully (modalities will be announced at the beginning)  
Grading: Grade of the oral exam  
Estimation of effort: Active time (lecture, exercise, exam): 60h (2CP)
Self-study with post-processing of the lecture, exercise assignments, exam preparation: 120h (4CP)
Sum: 180h (6CP)

This lecture is on schedule for Summer Semester 2021 as an online-only course. Lecture classes are provided online and can be consumed at any time. They are, however, synchronised with Labs. Online lab classes and lecture Q&As take place at fixed times during the semester. If you are interested in participating, please subscribe to the corresponding Moodle course in order to get further information.


Title: Architectures for Distributed Internet Services
German Title: Architekturen für verteilte Internet-Dienste
Type: Lecture with exercise, Module only with this course
Token / Number / Module number: AvID / CS6940.001 / 70472
Semester hours / Credits: 3L+1E / 6CP
Lecturer: Dr. Benjamin Erb, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck
Tutor: Dominik Meißner
General schedule: Lecture Classes:
online; starting on 19.04.2021
Lab Classes and Lecture Q&As:
online and live irregular on Wednesday 12.30h to 14.00h; starting on 21.04.2021
Learning platform: For the course the e-learning system Moodle is used. Please register here.
Grade bonus: A grade bonus of 0,3 resp. 0,4 is given if the lab is passed successfully. To pass the lab it is mandatory to successfully pass all but one of the lab assignments during the semester.
Exams: Oral exam by appointment with the lecturer.

Description and general information

Integration into courses of studies: Informatik, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Informatik, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Informatik, Lehramt: Wahl
Medieninformatik, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Medieninformatik, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Software Engineering, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Software Engineering, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte und Eingebettete Systeme
Informationssystemtechnik, M.Sc.: Wahlpflicht Informatikkatalog
Course authority: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck  
Language: English  
Turn / Duration: irregular / one semester  
Requirements (contentual): Softwareproject, Introduction to Computer Networks, Web Engineering (recommended)  
Requirements (formal): -  
Learning objectives: Students learn fundamental architectural concepts, procedures, mechanisms and technologies to build internet-based and especially web-based services. Students will be able to identify advantages and disadvantes of available system architectures considering the required functional and nonfunctional properties. Students get insights to design appropriate solutions for concrete use cases, are able to implement them in practice, and can operate these implementations.  
Content: This module teaches different architectural concepts for Internet-based services with special focus on web-based services. In the first part, relevant developments and trends in web-based architectures and technologies are analysed and classified. This overview comprises not only historically important approaches but also modern solutions. The second part presents the design, the development and the operation of scalable web-based services based on appropriate system architectures. This includes in particular concepts for interaction, data storage and business logic, but also aspects of deployment, infrastructure, security and data protection. In the accompanying lab classes, students are introduced to the implementation of Internet-based services on basis of modern web technologies.  
Literature: Will be specified in the lecture as required; the lecture slides will be availabe in the Web.   
Course assessment and exams: Oral exam; no course certificate; grade bonus if the lab is passed successfully (modalities will be announced at the beginning)  
Grading: Grade of the oral exam  
Estimation of effort: Active time (lecture, exercise, exam): 60h (2CP)
Self-study with post-processing of the lecture, exercise assignments, exam preparation: 120h (4CP)
Sum: 180h (6CP)

This lecture is on schedule for Summer Semester 2020 despite the ongoin Corona crisis. Lecture classes are provided online and can be consumed at any time. They are, however, synchronised with Labs. Online lab classes take place at fixed times during the semester. If you are interested in participating, please subscribe to the corresponding Moodle course in order to get further information.


Title: Architectures for Distributed Internet Services
German Title: Architekturen für verteilte Internet-Dienste
Type: Lecture with exercise, Module only with this course
Token / Number / Module number: AvID / CS6940.001 / 70472
Semester hours / Credits: 3L+1E / 6CP
Lecturer: Dr. Benjamin Erb, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck
Tutor: Dominik Meißner, Gerhard Habiger
General schedule: Lecture Classes:
online; starting on 20.04.2020
Lab Classes:
online and live irregular on Wednesday 12.30h to 14.00h; starting on 22.04.2020
Learning platform: For the course the e-learning system Moodle is used. Please register here.
Grade bonus: A grade bonus of 0,3 resp. 0,4 is given if the lab is passed successfully. To pass the lab it is mandatory to successfully pass all but one of the lab assignments during the semester.
Exams: Oral exam by appointment with the lecturer.

Description and general information

Integration into courses of studies: Informatik, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Informatik, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Informatik, Lehramt: Wahl
Medieninformatik, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Medieninformatik, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte Systeme
Software Engineering, M.Sc.: Kernfach Technische und Systemnahe Informatik
Software Engineering, M.Sc.: Vertiefungsfach Verteilte und Eingebettete Systeme
Informationssystemtechnik, M.Sc.: Wahlpflicht Informatikkatalog
Course authority: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck  
Language: English  
Turn / Duration: irregular / one semester  
Requirements (contentual): Softwareproject, Introduction to Computer Networks, Web Engineering (recommended)  
Requirements (formal): -  
Learning objectives: Students learn fundamental architectural concepts, procedures, mechanisms and technologies to build internet-based and especially web-based services. Students will be able to identify advantages and disadvantes of available system architectures considering the required functional and nonfunctional properties. Students get insights to design appropriate solutions for concrete use cases, are able to implement them in practice, and can operate these implementations.  
Content: This module teaches different architectural concepts for Internet-based services with special focus on web-based services. In the first part, relevant developments and trends in web-based architectures and technologies are analysed and classified. This overview comprises not only historically important approaches but also modern solutions. The second part presents the design, the development and the operation of scalable web-based services based on appropriate system architectures. This includes in particular concepts for interaction, data storage and business logic, but also aspects of deployment, infrastructure, security and data protection. In the accompanying lab classes, students are introduced to the implementation of Internet-based services on basis of modern web technologies.  
Literature: Will be specified in the lecture as required; the lecture slides will be availabe in the Web.   
Course assessment and exams: Oral exam; no course certificate; grade bonus if the lab is passed successfully (modalities will be announced at the beginning)  
Grading: Grade of the oral exam  
Estimation of effort: Active time (lecture, exercise, exam): 60h (2CP)
Self-study with post-processing of the lecture, exercise assignments, exam preparation: 120h (4CP)
Sum: 180h (6CP)