Members of our institute helped co-organize this year's IEEE Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (IEEE WONS 2021). In its 16th edition, WONS remains an important event where the research community on wireless network systems meets and discusses the advance in ad-hoc and on-demand wireless networks . It was originally planned to happen in Klosters, Switzerland, with Christoph Bösch acting as General Vice-Chair and Local Arrangement Chair. After moving online due to the COVID pandemic, he then took charge for preparing a nice virtual chalet where attendees can meet online in Frank Kargl supported the conference as member of the TPC as well as organizer of a special session on Smartphone Apps for Contact Tracing. The panel-style session featured three top-class speakers, namely Marcel Salathé from EPFL, Tobias Klingbeil from SAP, and Zhiqiang Lin from Ohio State University who gave unique insights into a broad range of aspects of contact tracing apps.
Secretary's Office
Marion Köhler
Lysha Lewis
Phone: +49 731 50-24140
available in the morning
Fax: +49 731 50-24142
Postal Address
Institute of Distributed Systems
Ulm University
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Visiting Address
Building O27, Room 349
89081 Ulm
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday all day
Tuesday and Friday mornings only.