In the winter semester 2022/23 we will have some important changes in our teaching. With this posting, we want to inform you about htem.
Security in IT-Systems: in anticipation of the new structure of the bachelor program, the lecture Sicherheit in IT-Systemen / Security of IT-Systems will be postponed to the summer semester 2023. It will not be offered in the winter semester 2022/23!
Embedded Security: there will be a new lecture on Embedded Security offered by our lecturer, Mr. Ferdinand Nölscher.
Blockchain Fundamentals: this new interdisciplinary lecture (2 SWS) will be offered by lecturers from economics and Prof. Kargl and will cover the topic of blockchains from the perspectives of computer science, law and economics.
Advanced Research Topics in IT-Security: this lecture was offered for the first time in the summer semester 2021 and will now take place again in the winter semester 2022/23. Current research publications in IT security and privacy will be introduced and discussed there. The lecture is offered in cooperation with the German University in Cairo and includes, among other things, joint project work in international student teams.
Proseminar Modern Aspects of Java Software Development: the proseminar KTT will be replaced by this proseminar. The main topic is still Java, but the scope is extended to development environments and tools
Beyond, we also offer the following lectures in the established form:
- Introduction to Computer Networks
- Introduction to Distributed Systems
- Privacy Engineering and Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- Distributed Computing Platforms in Practice
- Bachelor/Master Seminars ATVS/RTDS
- Project Computer Networks and IT Security I/II
- Project Distributed Application, Platforms and Systems I/II
- und of course our graduate seminar and all courses for the computer science teaching degree
We will add more information to our web pages in the coming weeks.