News Details

Institute successfully acquired two new projects on IT security funded by state foundation BW

Ulm University

On 20.1.2016, members from our institute attended the kickoff meeting of the projects funded by Opens external link in new windowstate foundation Baden-Württemberg. Our institute was highly successful in getting both of our proposals funded. More details on Opens internal link in current windowPriCloud and Opens internal link in current windowAutoDetect can be found on the respective web pages.




Secretary's Office

Marion Köhler
Lysha Lewis
Phone: +49 731 50-24140
available in the morning
Fax: +49 731 50-24142

Postal Address

Institute of Distributed Systems
Ulm University
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm

Visiting Address

Building O27, Room 349
89081 Ulm
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday all day
Tuesday and Friday mornings only.
