Dr. Patrick Scharpfenecker
- Complexity Theory
- Algorithms
- Isomorphism Problems for Graphs, Groups and other algebraic Structures
- Proseminar Algorithmen (SS15)
- Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität (SS15)
- Proseminar Algorithmen (SS17)
- Logik (SS17)
- B. Das, P. Scharpfenecker, J. Torán
CNF and DNF succinct graph encodings
In: Information and Computation 253, Part 3 (2017). Pages 436-447.
See: Succinct Encodings of Graph Isomorphism
In Proceedings: Language and Automata Theory and Applications 2014. Pages 285-296.
See: ECCC - P. Scharpfenecker, J. Torán
Solution-Graphs of Boolean Formulas and Isomorphism
In Proceedings: 19th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing. Pages 29-44.
See: ECCC - B. Dorn, D. Krüger, P. Scharpfenecker
Often Harder than in the Constructive Case: Destructive Bribery in CP-nets
In Proceedings: Conference on Web and Internet Economics 2015. Pages 314-327.
See: arXiv - P. Scharpfenecker
On the Structure of Solution-Graphs for Boolean Formulas
In Proceedings: Fundamentals of Computation Theory 2015. Pages 118-130.
See: ECCC - P. Scharpfenecker
Bounded-Depth Succinct Encodings and the Structure they Imply on Graphs
In: Theory of Computing Systems (2017). Pages 1-19.
Scientific assistant