Dipl.-Inf. Adrian Kügel
- Algorithms
- Branch and Bound
- Max-SAT (Max-SAT evaluation)
- programming contests (link to problems I have posed)
- Übungen Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (WS 2012/2013)
- Proseminar Algorithmen (WS 2012/2013)
- Übungen Praktische Informatik (SS 2012)
- Übungen Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität (SS 2012)
- Übungen Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (WS 2011/2012)
- Übungen Algorithmen der Bioinformatik (WS 2011/2012)
- Proseminar Algorithmen (WS 2011/2012)
- Übungen Algorithmen der Bioinformatik (SS 2011)
- Proseminar Algorithmen (SS 2011)
- Tutor Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (WS 2008/2009)
- Tutor Algorithmen I (SS 2008)
- Adrian Kügel
Average Case Complexity of Branch-and-Bound Algorithms on Random b-ary Trees, CTW2012, Proofs
- Adrian Kügel
Natural Max-SAT Encoding of Min-SAT, LION 6 (2012), Preprint
- Enno Ohlebusch, Simon Gog, Adrian Kügel
Computing Matching Statistics and Maximal Exact Matches on Compressed Full-Text Indexes, SPIRE 2010, Slides
- Adrian Kügel
Improved Exact Solver for the Weighted Max-SAT Problem. Accepted at the PoS10 workshop. To appear in easychair electronic proceedings; Preprint - Adrian Kügel, Enno Ohlebusch
A Space Efficient Solution to the Frequent String Mining Problem for Many Databases. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Journal, Volume 17(1), pages 24–38. ECML PKDD 2008; Preprint; Implementation of the algorithm; pseudo code
PhD Student