Dr. Dominikus Krüger
- Complexity Theory
- Multivariate Complexity Theory
- Graph Theory
- Voting Systems
Ulm University
- Proseminar Klassiker der Informatik (SS 2016)
- Tutorial Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität (SS 2016)
- Tutorial Logik (SS 2016)
- Proseminar Parametrisierte Algorithmen (WS 2015/16)
- Tutorial Logik (SS 2015)
- Tutorial Kryptologie: Algorithmen und Methoden (SS 2015)
- Tutorial Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (WS 2014/15)
- Proseminar Parametrisierte Algorithmen (SS 2014)
- Tutorial Kryptologie: Algorithmen und Methoden (SS 2014)
- Tutorial Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (WS 2013/14)
- Tutorial Logik (SS 2013)
- Proseminar Klassiker der Informatik (SS 2013)
- Tutorial Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (WS 2012/13)
- Proseminar Algorithmen (WS 2012/13)
University Tübingen
- Algorithmen (SS 2010)
- Theoretische Informatik (WS 2009/2010)
- Algorithmen (SS 2009)
- J. Döcker, B. Dorn, U. Endriss, D. Krüger Complexity and Tractability Islands for Combinatorial Auctions on Discrete Intervals with Gaps. In Proc. of the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2016), 2016.
- B. Dorn, D. Krüger, P. Scharpfenecker Often Harder than in the Constructive Case: Destructive Bribery in CP-nets. In: Proc. 11th WINE, Volume 9470 in LNCS, pages 314–327. Springer, 2015.
- B. Dorn, D. Krüger On the hardness of bribery variants in voting with CP-nets. Ann. of Math. and Artif. Intell., 77(3), pages 251-279, 2016.
- B. Dorn, D. Krüger On Bribery in Voting with CP-Nets. Presented at ECAGS, 2014.
- B. Dorn, D. Krüger Being Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place in an Election--Voter Deterrence by Deletion of Candidates. In 39th Proc. SOFSEM, 2013. Volume 7741 in LNCS, pages 182-193, Springer, 2013.
- B. Dorn, D. Krüger Being Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place in an Election--Voter Deterrence by Deletion of Candidates. Presented at COMSOC, 2012.
- B. Dorn, F. Hüffner, D. Krüger, R. Niedermeier, J. Uhlmann
Exploiting Bounded Signal Flow for Graph Orientation Based on Cause-Effect Pairs. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 6:21, 2011. - B. Dorn, F. Hüffner, D. Krüger, R. Niedermeier, J. Uhlmann
Exploiting Bounded Signal Flow for Graph Orientation Based on Cause-Effect Pairs
In Proc. 1st TAPAS, Volume 6595 in LNCS, pages 104-115, Springer, 2011. - D. Krüger
Multivariate Algorithmik zur Orientierung von Protein-Protein-Interaktionsnetzwerken
Masterthesis, Tübingen, 2010 - D. Krüger
Multiple Genordnungsvergleiche über zyklische Multigraphen
Bachelorthesis, Tübingen, 2008
Scientific assistant