Debugging support for Abstract State Machines
Dr. Alexander Raschke
Currently, I'm working mainly on the improvement of the usability of graphical diagram editors. Besides the empirical evaluation of the pitfalls of these tools, we also develop and evaluate new interaction techniques.
Besides that, I'm also interested in formale specification languages, mainly Abstract State Machines (ASMs). If you do not know what that means, see here:
Since I'm responsible for the software engineering projects in our software engineering course of studies, I'm also interested in solving all problems that arise when developing software in a team: communication (within the team, with the customer), workload distribution, quality assurance, programming skills, Continous Integration/-deployment, and much more.
Last but not least, I'm teaching functional programming with Haskell for over 10 years and as such, I'm also interested in the (beautiful) application of this programming paradigm.
Contribution to Proceedings
A defect-based experiment for analysing and comparing software engineering processes
In Jedlitschka, A. and Ciolkowski, M., Editor, Experience on applying quantitative and qualitative empiricism to software engineering (5th International Workshop on Empirical Studies in Software Engineering)fromIESE-Report, Page 31-38
In Jedlitschka, A. and Ciolkowski, M., Editor
Publisher: Fraunhofer IESE
Experiences on Using Software Experiments in the Validation of Industrial Research Questions
In Abran, A. and Dumke, R. and Mas, A., Editor, Proceedings of the IWSM-Mensura 2007, Page 279-288
In Abran, A. and Dumke, R. and Mas, A., Editor
Virtueller Biobaukasten: Einsatz von Modellierungswerkzeugen aus der Informatik zur Simulation komplexer biologischer Prozesse
In Haasis, K. and Heinzl, A. and Klumpp, D., Editor, Aktuelle Trends in der Softwareforschung: Tagungsband zum doIT Software-Forschungstag 2006, Page 101-116
In Haasis, K. and Heinzl, A. and Klumpp, D., Editor
Publisher: dpunkt.verlag
July 2006
Ein experimenteller Vergleich zwischen einer plan-getriebenen und einer leichtgewichtigen Entwicklungsmethodik zur Spezifikation von eingebetteten Systemen
Document Number: UIB-2006-02
Universität Ulm
March 2006
Eine qualitative Untersuchung zur Produktlinien-Integration über Organisationsgrenzen hinweg
Document Number: UIB-2006-03
Universität Ulm
March 2006
Contribution to Proceedings
ActiveChartsIDE: An Integrated Software Development Environment comprising a Component for Simulating UML 2 Activity Charts
In Feliz-Teixeira, J. M. and Carvalho Brito, A. E., Editor, Proceedings of the 2005 European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM'05), Page 66-73
In Feliz-Teixeira, J. M. and Carvalho Brito, A. E., Editor
October 2005
A New Approach to Combine Models and Code in Model Driven Development
In Arabnia, H. R. and Reza, H., Editor, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'05)Volume1, Page 396-400
In Arabnia, H. R. and Reza, H., Editor
June 2005
Targeting System Evolution by Explicit Modeling of Control Flows using UML2 Activity Charts
In Arabnia, H. R., Editor, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Programming Languages and Compilers (PLC'05), Page 237-246
In Arabnia, H. R., Editor
June 2005
Transparente Programmierung der Anwendungslogik durch attributgesteuerte Konfiguration von Datenbanksperren
In Dadam, P. and Reichert, M., Editor, Informatik 2004, Beiträge der 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), UlmVolume2, Page 408-417
In Dadam, P. and Reichert, M., Editor
September 2004
Vergleich von klassischer und agiler Entwicklungsmethodik anhand der Entwicklung eines in Statemate simulierbaren Modells eines Türsteuergerätes
Softwaretechnik-Trends, 24 (1) :17-18
February 2004
Dr. Alexander Raschke

Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11