Colloquia 2010
- Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kruse: Uncertainty and Vagueness in Knowledge-Based Systems
- PD Dr.-Ing. Erhardt Barth: Gaze guidance and efficient visual representations
- Dr. Hyo Woon Yoon: Eine fMRI Studie zur neuronalen Verarbeitung von Feedback durch einen Avatar
- Dr.-Ing. Matthias Wolff: Intelligente akustische Signalverarbeitung
- Dr. Jonghwa Kim: Biosignals To Emotive Signs and Fusion of Modalities
- Dr. Martin Diruf: Human-Robot-Interaction
- Prof. Dr. Anke Huckauf und Mario Urbina:(Ein-)Blick in AR-Technologien
- Prof. Dr. Michael Popp: Robotik und menschliche Emotionen – unvereinbar?
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Lensch: Reflektanz und Semantik aus Internet-Bilddatenbanken
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Johannes Bernarding:Real-time functional MR-Imaging and non-invasive human brain interfaces
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröhlich: On 3D User Interfaces
- Prof. Aly A. Farag: Face Recognition at Distance
- PD Dr. Thomas Wachtler: A model for unsupervised learning of invariant representations of visual objects and space
- Dr. Bogdan Matuszewski: Model Based Visual Information Processing - Facial Articulation and Body Posture Analysis