Remote connection

The SGI drives can also be accessed from home. This small How-To shows a simple way with the SCP or SFTP protocol, which ensures practically tap-proof data transmission.

Under Linux, of course, the scp protocol also exists. One way to use it is simply from the command line, similar to the cp command:
    scp <from> <to>
With <from> and <to> you may add the usual path names in front:
    <username>@<computer name>:<path name>.
The colon between computer name and pathname is important!

Two examples:
    scp something.txt
copies the file to the target machine, (password is requested, a login happens in the background), into the home directory of xy3.
    scp -r .
copies the desktop, because of -r the whole tree, to the local machine.



Service group IT

University of Ulm

Universität Ulm
James Franck-Ring
89069 Ulm
Room: Gebäude O27 Raum 245