Presentation pool

The pool in O28/1001 (Smiley pool) is also intended as a presentation pool for events. The front or rear half with 24 machines each has, in addition to the normal screens, additional screens on which an image can be played in from a central location. In addition, each half has an audio system with a radio microphone. The two halves can also be coupled for large events.

Occupancy of the pool

To the occupancy plan of the presentation pool.
If an event is taking place, please clear the machines on request as a normal pool user.


Reservation requests to J. Siedenburg, joerg.siedenburg(at), O27 / 245, Tel. (0731)50 - 24204.
To make a reservation, the following questions typically need to be clarified:

  • Access to the room: are student passes available or is a key needed?
  • Access to the computers: do the participants already have their own SGI accounts or are such accounts needed separately? If such are needed: What password should these accounts have?
  • What software is needed? Standard software is of course available. Special software requests must be communicated to us in good time, i.e. as early as possible! (Less than two weeks' notice will be very tight).

Possibly useful for planning: Schematic drawing of the room (at the bottom of the page).



Service group IT

University of Ulm

Universität Ulm
James Franck-Ring
89069 Ulm
Room: Gebäude O27 Raum 245