► Institute of Psychology and Education  

Welcome to our research group on learning and instruction!

We are eager to understand how information is processed and how it should be conveyed. On the one hand, we are interested in the cognitive basics of learning, such as memory processes or cognitive load. On the other hand, we develop and test application concepts for various teaching scenarios, such as e-learning, teaching, or human-technology interactions, and empirically analyze their benefits and practical use.


Prof. Dr. Tina Seufert

Nicolette Borge
☎ +49 (0)731/50 23071
Annette Kniep
☎ +49 (0)731/50 23071

Π 47.1.413

Consultation hours:


Postal adress
University of Ulm
Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology
Institute of Psychology and Education
Dept. Learning and Instruction
Germany - 89069 Ulm

Visitor address
Lise-Meitner-Str. 16
Germany - 89081 Ulm

What you can learn with us

How does learning work in school, college, job, and continuing education? How must teaching be designed so that learning can be effective? And what innovative formats are there for learning and teaching?

  • Our current courses: Courses catalog LSF
  • Further education within the School of Advanced Professional Studies (SAPS)

Our research topics

Learning Lab

Current news from the psychology of teaching and learning in words, pictures and sound.

Our research projects