Dr. Fei Yan

2018Dr. rer. nat in Human Factors with the dissertation title: "Developing a Model-Based Lane Change Decision Aid System by Integrating Driver Uncertainty"
Since 2018            Postdoctoral researcher at the Department Human Factors at Ulm University
2017                          Research Assistant in Human-Centered Design Group at OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg
2015 – 2016             Research Assistant at the Department of Media and Multimedia Systems of the University of Oldenburg
2013 – 2014            Research Assistant in Human-Centered Design at OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg
2013                         Internship in the Human-Machine Interaction Group at Light Laboratory, Hella, Lippstadt
2012- 2013              Student Assistant in the Department of System Ergonomics, Institute of System Ergonomics, DLR, Braunschweig
2010 – 2013             M.Sc. Human Factors at Technical University of Berlin, Germany
2005 – 2009          B.Sc. Psychology at University of Qingdao, China


Fei Yan, 

Fei Yan
☎ +49-(0)731/50 26504
℻  +49-(0)731/50 31749
Π 45.3.104

Consultation hours
Semester: Tue 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Semester break: on appointment

Research interests

  • Empirical investigation and modeling Driver Uncertainty in lane change maneuvers
  • Adaptive driver assistance
  • Trust in automation
  • Driver Automation Cooperation in Automated Driving


Publications in Google Scholar