► Institute of Psychology and Education  

Developmental Psychology

“Πάντα ῥεῖ -- Everything flows.” According to this aphorism, the subject of developmental psychology is the description and explanation of temporally enduring changes in human experience and behavior throughout their life span. The investigated characteristics, e.g. intelligence and memory, are usually recorded with psychometric procedures. A part of developmental psychology is the measurement and modeling of changes.


Head of Group
Prof. Dr. Daniel Zimprich

Annette Kniep
☎ +49 (0)731/50 31141

Π 47.4.202

Opening hours:
Mrs. Kniep can be reached by email.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Zimprich and the employees can be reached by email.

Postal address
University of Ulm
Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology
Institute of Psychology and Education
Dept. Developmental Psychology
Germany - 89069 Ulm

Visitor address
Albert-Einstein-Allee 47
Germany - 89081 Ulm

Tramway and bus stop "Manfred-Börner-Straße", lines 2 and 5
about 15 minutes from central station
Campus-Navigator Universität Ulm