Institute of Information Resource Management

The Institute of Information Resource Management (IRM / OMI) addresses the organization, management, network technology, and human aspects of IT systems, with a particular emphasis on security and privacy. Our research focuses is on internet censorship (measurement and circumvention), human factors in networked security, the security of interconnected automation systems (especially building automation systems), and network information hiding.

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Our latest publications

Dittmann J, Krätzer C, Kiltz S, Altschaffel R, Vielhauer C, Wendzel S, Wefel S, Nitsch H. Attribution von verdeckten (Informations-)Kanälen im Bereich kritischer Infrastrukturen und Potentiale für Prävention und Reaktion (ATTRIBUT). In: GI Sicherheit 2024 — Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); 2024. p. 265—268.      [DOI]      [File] 
Volpert S, Winkelhofer S, Wesner S, Seybold D, Domaschka J. Exemplary Determination of Cgroups-Based QoS Isolation for a Database Workload. In: Companion of the 15th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering. 2024. p. 235—241.
Zillien S, Schmidbauer T, Kubek M, Keller J, Wendzel S. Look What's There! Utilizing the Internet's Existing Data for Censorship Circumvention with OPPRESSION. In: Proc. 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS 2024). ACM; 2024. p. 80—95.      [DOI]      [File] 
Keller J, Heßeling C, Wendzel S. Robust and Homomorphic Covert Channels in Streams of Numeric Data. In: Proc. 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024). ACM; 2024.      [DOI]      [File] 
Wendzel S, Caviglione L, Mazurczyk W. Avoiding research tribal wars using taxonomies. IEEE Computer. 2023; 56(1):93—96.      [DOI]      [File] 

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