Hoffmann, M.
Does your system simulator use the 'right' transfer function?.
Proc. of the Symp. on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation, held at CESA '96IMACS Multiconference, vol. 2, Lille, France, 1996, 694-699
Hoffmann, M
Noise Figures of Frequency Converters and Their Dependence on Various Mixing Products.
Proc. of the Intern. Workshop of the German IEEE MTT/AP Chapter on RF and Microwave Noise. Techn. Univ. of Ilmenau, 1996, 13-18
Menzel, W.
Packaging of Millimeter Wave Circuits (invited).
Intern. Workshop on Millimeter Waves, Orvieto, Italy, Workshop Proceed., 1996, 47-56
Menzel, W.
A 24 GHz Doppler/FMCW-Radar Using a Novel Coupler/Balanced Mixer Configuration (Invited).
Microwaves and RF Conf., London, 1996, 224-229 PDF
Menzel, W., Pilz, D.
A Folded Lens Antenna with Triple Use of the Lens.
26th European Microw. Conf., Prague, 1996, 786-789
Michael, Th., Hoffmann, M.
Nonlinear Analysis of Digital Phase Lock Loops in Carrier Recovery Systems.
NDES '96, Fourth Intern. Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, Seville, Spain, 1996, 39-44
Michael, B. Menzel, W.
A Novel Close-Range Imaging System.
26th European Microw. Conf., Prague, 1996, 130-134
Nüchter, P., Menzel, W.
A Novel Frequency Divider Configuration for Micro- and Millimeter-Wave Signals.
IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Vol. 6, No. 7, 1996, 265-267 PDF
Strauß, G., Menzel, W.
Millimeter-Wave Monolithic Integrated Circuit Interconnects Using Electromagnetic Field Coupling.
IEEE Trans. on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology - Part B, vol. 19, No. 2, 1996, 278-282 PDF
Strauß, G., Ehret, P., Menzel, W.
On-Wafer Measurements of Microstrip Based MIMICs without Via Holes.
IEEE Intern. Microw. Symp. MTT-S, San Francisco, 1996, 1399-1402 PDF
Warns, Ch., Menzel, W., Schumacher, H.
Wave Propagation in Multilayer Thin Film Coplanar Structures and Component Design (Invited).
PIERS 1996, Innsbruck, Austria, Session MO-P6, 1996