DAAD prizes awarded to outstanding students

Ulm University

Ulm and Neu-Ulm are international cities: more than 2,000 students from around the world are enrolled at Ulm University and the Ulm and Neu-Ulm Universities of Applied Sciences this winter semester. Ulm Mayor Gunter Czisch and Albert Obert, deputy mayor of Neu-Ulm, welcomed the international students at a reception held in the "Oldtimerfabrik Classic" in Neu-Ulm in late October. Three students also received DAAD awards worth 1,000 euros each for their outstanding academic achievements and volunteer commitment to intercultural or social issues.

Parisa Khalaghi, biochemistry student and prize-winner from the University, is responsible for the area "Culture and General Education" within the Students' Executive Committee of the Students' Council (StuVe). She set up a functional "international unit", so that the many English-speaking students at Ulm University would be better able to contribute to the StuVe. Khalaghi received the third DAAD award from Professor Irene Bouw, vice present for studies, teaching and internationalisation at Ulm University. The volunteer position required great courage from Parisa Khalaghi, especially at the beginning, as she initially needed to perfect her German skills.

(f.l.): Szilard Dombi, Prof. Marianne von Schwerin (HSU), Parisa Khalaghi, Prof. Irene Bouw (Uni Ulm), Eleonora Petrova und Prof. Julia Kormann (HNU). (Foto: HS Ulm)