CHE university ranking 2019/20
Top marks for Ulm Psychology and Electrical Engineering Departments

Ulm University

Psychology students gave their programme at Ulm University top marks in the current Centre for Higher Education (CHE) ranking. In the categories “overall study situation”, “support during the study entry phase” and “courses offered”, the Ulm Psychology Department was in the top group, coming in at 6th place in Germany. A total of 61 universities were included in the ranking list. The Ulm University programme appeared in the middle group only in the category of student-advisor ratio.

In the newly evaluated areas of electrical engineering and computer science, Ulm University also performed very well, coming in among the top three universities from a total of 29 evaluated institutions. Surveyed students gave top marks in the category of “study organisation”.  The study programme also made it into the first group in the category “support during the study entry phase”. The “overall study situation” was given a mark of 2. In the category “graduation in appropriate time”, Ulm University was in the middle group.

The new master’s degree programme Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, a joint programme offered in cooperation with the Biberach University of Applied Sciences, and the new programme Chemical Engineering were also ranked. The ranking for these subjects is not very indicative, however, as it only includes informational data, and no student evaluations.

The latest results of the Centre for Higher Education (CHE) university rankings are published in the ZEIT Studying Guide 2019/20, as well as in the ZEIT CAMPUS ONLINE. This ranking is the largest and most detailed comparison of institutions of higher education in the German-speaking world, surveying more than 150,000 students and evaluating over 300 universities. Each year, around one third of offered subjects are evaluated. For 2019/20, this included biotechnology, chemical engineering/applied chemistry, electrical engineering and computer science, and mechanical engineering. In addition to student evaluations, the ranking also includes evaluations by professors as well as statistical facts.

Text and media contact: Daniela Stang

Students at Ulm University (symbolic image: Elvira Eberhardt)
Students at Ulm University (symbolic image: Elvira Eberhardt)