50th Anniversary of Ulm University and Science Night on 21 July 2017
Ceremonial act, cyber heart and fuel cell plane

Ulm University

On Friday 21 July 2017, Ulm University celebrates its 50th anniversary with tributes, a ceremonial act and the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft (Science Night). The programme begins at 10:00 a.m. in the lecture hall Medizinische Klinik with several prize-givings, for example the Doctoral and PhD Prizes of the Ulm University Association (UUG), the University Teaching Prize and the Prize for outstanding Cooperation between Science and Economy. The Mileva Einstein-Marić-Prize for exemplary reconciliation of science career and family obligations will be awarded at 7:00 p.m.

The centrepiece of the public ceremonial act (beginning at 2:00 p.m.) is the speech held by EU Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, Günther Oettinger. Afterwards, former Lord Mayor of Ulm, Ivo Gönner and former Rector of the University, Professor Detlef Bückmann will be made honorary senator, and honorary citizen respectively, of Ulm University.

The Science Night kicks off immediately after the ceremonial act from 4 p.m. onward with presentations, guided tours and workshops on campus. All faculties and many institutions have compiled a varied programme. Until midnight visitors can inspect a walk-in heart, join guided tours through the Theatrum Anatomicum or analyse their own DNA. During a deceptively real-looking accident simulation medical students will demonstrate first-aid measures for severe injuries.

Another focus will be on the mobility of the future: visitors can, for example, try out a driving simulator or marvel at a self-driving test car. The passenger fuel cell place, which had its maiden flight last year, will also be on display. On offer are furthermore physics shows, insights into the quadcopter laboratory, a guided tour through the 'Underworld of Ulm University' and numerous presentations, for example on the chemistry of beer.

The social programme is just as impressive: in the Botanical Garden the University Sailing Club with their catamaran, beach bar and Shanty Choir will take visitors into the world of Caribbean. Inclusive and hands-on activities, for example as offered by the Centre for the Arts (MUZ), and of course a children's programme round off the experience. Alumni of the University meet at 6:00 p.m. in the foyer of the research building N27. The student services will provide refreshments for the hungry and thirsty throughout the day.

Parking spaces on campus are limited. We recommend you take advantage of the bus lines 3 and 5.

Science Night