www: [rp] = Bachelorarbeit, [mt] = Masterarbeit
- Nicolas Graber
Design and Implementation of a Low Power Decimation Filter in 180nm CMOS for a Neural Implant [rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Marvin Hitzler
Örtliche Interpolation und Bearbeitung von Bildinhalten für ein subretinales Implantat [rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Swikriti Saini
Design of a Single-Channel SAR ADC using a 22nm FDSOI Technology [mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Niklas Klefe
CT I-SD MASH ADCs at Low Oversampling Ratios [mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Omar Ismail
Dual quantization CT-Sigma-Delta ADC for wide-band applications [mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Christian Gesell
Feasibility analysis of 2.4GHz SMD-antennas for utilization in implantable medical devices [rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Fouad Elbadry
Automated Opamp design using Cadence-Virtuoso Optimization Tool [rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Luca Krüger
Analyzing the Influence of Neural-Network Hyperparameters on the Resilience over Mixed-Signal Hardware Errors [rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Dominik Fritschi
Study of Pseudoresistors in a 180nm HV CMOS Technology and Development of a Fast-Settling Algorithm for Biomedical Applications [rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Moritz Braig
Development of an automated testing setup for a neuromodulation IC [rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Denise Rathje
Design of a highly miniaturized battery powered PCB for neural recording and wireless data transmission [rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Manuel Kieselbach
Software developments for a miniaturized wireless neural recording system [rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Felix Birk
Entwurf und Evaluation eines Messaufbaus für Ziliarmuskelpotenziale [rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Albrecht Rothermel - Tobias Hofmann
Delta Sigma ADC with intrinsically linear, multilevel feedback DAC [mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Daniel Vester
Development of a miniaturized neurostimulation platform for in-vivo brain research [mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Michel Kronenthaler
Parameterermittlung und Optimierung einer Video-Pipeline mittels Künstlichen Neuronalen Netzen [mt]
C.R.S. iiMotion
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns