
A/D Converters

The goal of our research in analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) focuses mainly on the design of high-resolution SAR ADC architectures as well as different types of Sigma-Delta ADCs. The target applications involve biomedical implants, sensor readouts and communication links. Furthermore, we develop design methodologies for Sigma-Delta modulators.

Elektronik für Hardware Security und PUFs

Hardware Security and PUFs

In today's digital world, the hardware security of electronic components is becoming increasingly crucial, particularly in safety-critical applications such as self-driving cars and service robots. Traceability and authentication of components is essential to ensure technological sovereignty.

Implantierbare Elektronik für Neuroprothesen

Implantable Electronics

We conduct research towards implantable integrated circuits and systems for neuro- and bio-interfaces. While former research contributed ground-breaking designs for sub- and epiretinal implants, our recent work focusses on neural recording interfaces, efficient functional electrical stimulation, and the combination of both which is neuromodulation.


Integrierte Schaltungen für Maschinelles Lernen

Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence is the driving force behind many recent advancements in technology, such as autonomous driving and ChatGPT. Still, there is a lot of active development in the hardware running these algorithms, especially when this hardware is located in an edge device, e.g. a smartwatch.

Configurable Systems

In our research we look into Electronic System Level (ESL) design methodologies such as Component-Based Design or Platform-Based Design, modern heterogeneous compute architectures for energy-efficiency, and analog/digital interfaces for connected mobile Configurable Systems.