Overview of portfolio of lecture courses offered by the institute of media informatics

This page contains an overview of lecture courses offered by the institute of media informatics for several study programmes in alphabetic order according to the German titles.

The modul and exam numbers are listet in the Classification section at the bottom. These numbers may vary according to the examination rules (abbreviated by the term FSPO) in which your study programme is embedded.

Automotive User Interfaces


The development of user interfaces for vehicles is one of the most challenging areas in human-computer interaction, which is subject to a strong change, especially by current developments (autonomous driving, digitization and electric mobility). After successful participation in the module, the students have a structured understanding of the basic concepts, theories, methods, technologies and tools for the design, development and evaluation of automotive user interfaces. The contents conveyed here are interdisciplinary and both application-oriented and research-oriented. They are based on findings from psychology, computer science, design, engineering sciences and ethics.

llustration: Automotive User Interfaces

Computer Science
(FSPO 2022) B.Sc., Vertiefung; M.Sc., Core Subject CS/PCS
(FSPO 2014/21) B.Sc., Main Subject; M.Sc., Core Subject/PCS

Artificial Intelligence
(FSPO 2022) M.Sc., Core Subject KI/PCS
(FSPO 2021) M.Sc., Core Subject KI/PCS

Media Informatics
(FSPO 2022) B.Sc., Vertiefung; M.Sc., Core Subject MI/MI
(FSPO 2014/21) B.Sc., Main Subject MI; M.Sc., Core Subject/MI

Software Engineering,
(FSPO 2022) B.Sc., Vertiefung/SE Wahlbereich; M.Sc., Core Subject Software Engineering/PCS
(FSPO 2014/21) B.Sc., Main Subject SE; M.Sc., Core Subject/PCS

Modul: 742 42
Exam: 14242


(FSPO17/19) M.Sc. Main Subject Computer Science

Modul: 74279
Exam: 14279

Data Visualization

Grundlagen der Medieninformatik (German)


Media Informatics
 (FPSO 22) B.Sc., Compulsory Area, Media Informatics

Modul 77057
Exam(s) 170 57 + 175 57 (Prerequisit)

Intelligent Mobile Human-Computer Interaction

In this course, students acquire detailed knowledge of current research areas in intelligent mobile human-computer interaction and wearable user interfaces. They will be able to describe the challenges and problems in existing mobile and wearable intelligent interaction concepts and discuss the potentials - arising from technological progress - with the help of which mobile and wearable interactions can be further developed.

An important aspect of mobile and wearable user interfaces is intelligent adaptation based on multidimensional usage data, dynamic sensor data and flexible context situations. Through the use of corresponding approaches from the fields of artificial intelligence, optimisation and the definition of multidimensional objective functions, more and more intelligent user interfaces are being researched and this takes up a central space in the course.

The students are familiar with the paradigm shift taking place in mobile and portable input and output and know  

  • the concepts for designing intelligent user interfaces
  • the technical characteristics of mobile and portable devices
  • elementary intelligent user interactions with the mobile and wearable devices
  • design- and AI-driven optimisation of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction when interacting with mobile and wearable devices
  • novel application areas and the design & development of intelligent interactive mobile and wearable services
  • current research trends in mobile and wearable human-computer interaction.

Students will be able to discuss current research in areas such as intelligent user interfaces, haptic feedback, audio and voice interaction, shape-shifting mobile devices, mobile eye tracking, touch and text input, AR/VR/MR, and wearables. They can discuss, classify and differentiate between these. Furthermore, they can identify further research questions and explain recurring basic concepts or basic problems. Through the exercise, students deepen the theoretical aspects and gain practical knowledge in the area of programming intelligent mobile and wearable devices with a focus on mobile and wearable human-computer interaction, the use of sensor data, interaction design, and intelligent user interface adaptations.

[Translate to english:] Bildillustration
Einordnung - Classification

Artificial Intelligence
(FSPO 2022) M.Sc.,Kernbereich KI/PI
(FSPO 2021) M.Sc.,Kernfach KI/PAI

Communications and Computer Engineering
(FSPO 2014) M.Sc.,Modulgruppen/Kernmodule Informatik
(FSPO 2017) M.Sc.,Kernmodule/Kernmodule Informatik

Computer Science
(FSPO 2022) B.Sc.,Vertiefungsbereich; M.Sc.,Kernbereich Informatik/PI
(FSPO 2014/21) B.Sc.,Schwerpunkt Informatik; M.Sc.,Kernfach/PAI

Media Informatics
(FSPO 2022) B.Sc.,Vertiefungsbereich; M.Sc.,Kernbereich MI/MI
(FSPO 2014/21) B.Sc.,Schwerpunkt MI; M.Sc.,Kernfach/Mediale Informatik

Software Engineering
(FSPO 2022) B.Sc.,Vertiefungsbereich/SE-Profilbereich; M.Sc.,KernbereichSE/PI
(FSPO 2014/21) B.Sc.,SchwerpunktSE; M.Sc.,Kernfach/PAI

Modul 720 13
Exam 126 68

Interactive Computer Graphics

The course covers the basic concepts of computer graphics, with an emphasis on real-time capable graphics such as those used in computer games. The focus is on the rendering pipeline as the conceptual basis for modern image synthesis systems. The algorithms discussed are first dealt with theoretically in the lecture before a selection is put into practice in the exercises. The practical implementation takes place in C/C++ in combination with the OpenGL graphics standard, with an introduction to C/C++ being given at the beginning of the exercises. The course covers the following topics:

  • Graphics programming in OpenGL
  • Geometric transformations and projections
  • Rasterization and texturing
  • Visibility determination
  • Lighting calculation
  • Clipping algorithms
  • Ray tracing

Media Informatics
(FSPO22) B.Sc. Compulsory Area: Media Informatics
(FSPO21) B.Sc.  Main Subject; M.Sc. Media Informatics

Artificial Intelligence
(FSPO21) M.Sc., PCS

Computer Sciences
(FSPO22) B.Sc. Compulsory Elective Area
(FSPO21) B.Sc. Main Subject, M.Sc. PCS

Communications and Computer Engineering
(FSPO17) M.Sc. Vertiefungsmodule Informationssystemtechnik (Informatik)

(FSPO19) B.Sc. Compulsory Electives CSE

Software Engineering
(FSPO22) B.Sc. Compulsory Elective Aria: Special Subject
(FSPO21) B.Sc. Main Subject; M.Sc. PCS

Modul: 745 97
Exam: 145 97

Interactive Visual Design

Legal foundations and Media (German)

Einordnung - Classification

Informatik Lehramt, M.Ed.
(FSPO22) Komb. mit Mathematik/Wahlmodule Inf. oder Komb. mit Physik/Wahlmodule Inf.
(FSPO18) Pflicht

E-Technik, M. Sc.
(FSPO2023) Ergänzungsbereich

Informationssystemtechnik, M.Sc.
(FSPO2017) Modulgr. InfSysT, Ergänzungsm. IST

Mathemathik, M.Sc.
(FSPO2018) Nebenf. Inf.

Mathematische Biometrie, M.Sc.
(FSPO2018) Wahlpflicht. Inf.

Medieninformatik, M.Sc.
(FSPO 2014/21) Vertiefungsfach MI/Informatik und Gesellschaft

Physik, M.Sc.
(FSPO2019) D - Exam. Field.

Software Engineering
(FSPO 2014/21) B.Sc., Schwerpunkt WiWi

Wirtschaftsmathematik, M.Sc.
(FSPO2018) Informatik - Wahlpflicht

Wirtschaftsfphysik, M.Sc.
(FSPO2019) F-Prüfungsbereich

Modul 717 43
Exam 117 64


Hier werden Grundlagen zum Markenrecht besprochen, sowie Beispiele für  Rechtsstreitigkeiten und Strategien zur rechtlichen Absicherung von Marken erläutert.
Weiterhin wird der Vorgang einer Markenanmeldung durchgespielt, das richtige Verhalten bei Abmahnungen nahegebracht und selbst eine eigene Abmahnung erstellt.

Besprechung der Grundlagen, beispielhafte Darstellungen domainrechtlicher Streitigkeiten und das Vorgehen bei eigenen und fremden domainrechtliche Ansprüchen
(und damit verbundenen Auseinandersetzungen hinsichtlich bestimmter Domains)

Wie entsteht urheberrechtlicher Schutz an einem Werk? Welche Rechte hat ein Urheber, welche Schranken bietet das UrhG? Weiterhin wird die Problematik der „privaten Sicherheitskopie“, sowie Rechtsfolgen bei Verletzungen des Gesetztes untersucht und an konkreten Anwendungsfällen vertieft.

Vermittlung der wichtigsten Gesetze des Wettbewerbsrechts, wie z.B die Gesetze zum unlauteren Wettbewerb oder zur vergleichenden oder irreführenden Werbung.

Unternehmensgründung und -führung:
Hierin geht es um Eignung und Neigung, Rechtsformwahl, Einzelaspekte des Gründungsprozesses, professionelle gewerbliche Außendarstellung, Vertragsgestaltung, Unternehmensexpansion und Krisenmanagment.

Human-Computer Interaction

Einordnung - Classification

Computer Science/strong>
(FSPO 22) B.Sc. PCS

Media Informatics
(FSPO 22) B.Sc. PCS

Software Engineering
(FSPO 22) B.Sc. PCS

Computer Science/Teacher, M.Ed.
(FSPO22) Computer Science/Schwerpunktmodule

(FSPO 23) B.Sc. Compulsory Electives

(FSPO 23) M.Sc. Supplementary Area

Modul: 77050
Exams: 17050 (written exam), 17550 (prerequisits)


  • Introduction, definitions and motivation
  • History and paradigms of human-computer interaction as well as interaction styles
  • Models of the interaction cycle (e.g. according to ACM SIGCHI, Reenskaug, Goldstein or Norman)
  • Overview of relevant aspects of cognitive psychology, especially perception, attention and memory
  • Rules for user-centred design (usability principles, golden rules and heuristics, design guidelines, design patterns, standards)
  • Basic rules for user interface design (affordances, constraints, mappings, consistency, predictability)
  • Overview of methods and concepts of user-centred design (rapid prototyping, iterative design, double diamond design process model, ISO 9241 210, design thinking)
  • Motor activities (Fitts' Law, Steering Law, Hick's Law)
  • Mental models and errors

User-centred Design for Interactive Systems


Media Informatics
(FSPO22) B.Sc., Compulsory Area MI

Computer Science
(FSPO22) B.Sc., Compulsory Elective Area

Software Engineering
(FSPO22) B.Sc., Compulsory Elective Area

Exam 170 58
Prüfung 170 58 + 175 58 (Vorleistung)

Visual Design


Media Informatics
(FSPO 22) B.Sc., Compulsory Area MI

(div. FSPO) B.Sc., Non psychological compulsory elective Module

Modul 752 95
Exam 152 95

Following Study Programme [2021 and older versions]

Grundlagen der Gestaltung I


Mandatory Module (B.Sc. MI)
within study programme, version 2014/2021

720 25/103 22

Grundlagen der Gestaltung II


Mandatory Module (B.Sc. MI)
within study programme, version 2014/2021

720 26/107 94


This course will be replaced by the lecture course Visual Design.
Temporarily, both courses will be tought in the semester according the study plan.

Grundlagen Interaktiver Systeme