Semi-automatic image registration
Tobias Badura
Presentation of a bachelor thesis, supervised by Julian Kreiser and Prof. Dr Timo Ropinski
Graduate Seminar Media Informatics, Winter Term 2018/19
The graduate seminar is dedicated to give an opportunity to our bachelor and master students to present the results of their research.
All interested students and colleagues are warmly welcomed to join us on occasion. We also recommend to attend the presentations to our future graduate students.
The talks will take up twenty minutes approximately in case of master theses and fifteen minutes for bachelor theses. It is followed by an academic discussion.
The following list of events will be currently updated throughout the semester.
Multi-Resolution Rendering für rechenintensive Beleuchtungseffekte
Simon Besenthal
Vorstellung einer Bachelorarbeit, betreut von Sebastian Maisch und Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski
MedInA: Ein Informationssystem zur Archivierung von Daten aus bildgebenden Verfahren der Medizin.
Robin Stüdle
Presentation of a bachelor thesis, supervised by Christian van Onzenoodt and Prof. Dr Timo Ropinski
Node Graph Editor for Rendering Pipelines in OpenGL.
Fabian Füg
Presentation of a bachelor thesis, supervised by Sebastian Maisch and Prof. Dr Timo Ropinski
Die Bedeutung adaptiver und selektiver Schwierigkeitsanpassung auf die Immersion und den Flow-Zustand in einem Geschicklichkeitsspiel
David Ihle
Presentation of bachelor's thesis, supervised by Julian Frommel and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Weber
Presentations of three bachelor theses, supervised by Sebastian Maisch and Prof. Dr Timo Ropinski
Implementing the Dwivedi Sampling Scheme
Tim Mend
Real-time calculation of model thickness via tessellation into surfels
Michael Scheurer
Path-tracing of parallel curves
Adrian Schuhmaier
Neural Network Architextures for Automatic Protein Classification
Johannes Herschel
Presentation of a bachelor thesis, supervised by Dr Pedro Hermosilla and Prof. Dr Timo Ropinski
The Effect of Unexpected Events on Player Experience
Luca Banus
Presentation of a bachelor thesis, supervised by Katja Rogers and Prof. Michael Weber
Gamedesign unter Einbeziehung der Persönlichkeit als Einfluss auf das Spielerverhalten
Isabel Feustel and Sabine Schmidt
Presentation of project results, supervised by Julian Frommel and Prof. Michael Weber