Teaching - Winter Term 2017/18

Lecture Courses, winter term 2017/18

Lecture Courses, Bachelor Level

The course covers some of the basics in technologies for modern game engines. The focus is put on advanced graphical effects and the acceleration of rendering large virtual worlds. The lectures will cover the theoretical parts of the different algorithms involved. Then, this theory will be put into practice in the exercises.

The implementation uses in C / C++ in combination with the OpenGL graphics API.

Further details

Die Studierenden kennen grundlegende Konzepte und Algorithmen aus dem Bereich Computergrafik und können diese in ihren eigenen Grafikanwendungen umsetzen. Dabei sind sie in der Lage, polygonale Modelle mit Anwendung von Texturierung und Beleuchtung zur Anzeige zu bringen. Weiterhin kennen Sie die konzeptionellen Stufen der Renderingpipeline als grundlegende Schritte der Bildsynthese, und können häufig verwendete Grafikalgorithmen auf der CPU und der GPU umsetzen.

Weitere Details zur Vorlesung

The lecture introduces basic concepts of realtime computer graphics as it is used e.g. in computer games. We focus on the rendering pipeline as a conceptual foundation of modern systems to image synthesis. The considered algorithms will be introduced and discussed in theory first. A selection of algorithms will also applied in practice during the exercises. The application uses C/C++ combined with the graphics API OpenGL.

Further details

This research-oriented lecture course contains detailed knowledge of subject areas such as interaction via mobile devices, the technical particularities fo these devices (input, output, sensor system), and the development of interactive mobile services.

The students will learn to apply methods, concepts, and tools about the design, the development, and the evaluation of corresponding applications and services with special interest to limited means of input or output, the variety of user contexts, and technical limitations due to the size of the devices.

The exercises will deepen the theoretic aspects by means of tasks related to programming of mobile devices focussing on mobile human computer interaction, the usage of sensor data, and interaction design.

Further details

Die Vorlesung Usability Engineering gibt eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (MMI). Ferner vermittelt sie tiefere Einblicke in Konzepte, Methoden und Werkzeuge einer ganzheitlichen, durchgängigen und ingenieursmäßigen ergonomischen Unterstützung von Systementwicklungsprojekten. Dabei wird auf alle relevanten Phasen der Systementwicklung aus Sicht der Ergonomie eingegangen (Projektmanagement, Anforderungsanalyse, Entwurf, Integration, Überleitung in die Nutzung). Die Inhalte stützen sich auf ein Vorgehen gemäß Usability Engineering, welches in der wissenschaftlichen Welt etabliert ist und in der Praxis weiterentwickelt und erprobt wird.

Further details

Lecture Courses, Master Level

The students will get to know basic concepts howto design interactive systems such as software systems in particular.

We will discuss aspects of perception and concepts of cognitive sciences, analyse techniques of different generations of interaction metaphors, and apply different formal methods of notation and analysis of interaction mechanisms. The student will be able to evaluate existing solutions and develop new approaches to human machine interfaces.

Additional information

The course covers some of the basics in technologies for modern game engines. The focus is put on advanced graphical effects and the acceleration of rendering large virtual worlds. The lectures will cover the theoretical parts of the different algorithms involved. Then, this theory will be put into practice in the exercises.

The implementation uses in C / C++ in combination with the OpenGL graphics API.

Further details

The lecture introduces basic concepts of realtime computer graphics as it is used e.g. in computer games. We focus on the rendering pipeline as a conceptual foundation of modern systems to image synthesis. The considered algorithms will be introduced and discussed in theory first. A selection of algorithms will also applied in practice during the exercises. The application uses C/C++ combined with the graphics API OpenGL.

Further details

This research-oriented lecture course contains detailed knowledge of subject areas such as interaction via mobile devices, the technical particularities fo these devices (input, output, sensor system), and the development of interactive mobile services.

The students will learn to apply methods, concepts, and tools about the design, the development, and the evaluation of corresponding applications and services with special interest to limited means of input or output, the variety of user contexts, and technical limitations due to the size of the devices.

The exercises will deepen the theoretic aspects by means of tasks related to programming of mobile devices focussing on mobile human computer interaction, the usage of sensor data, and interaction design.

Further details

Die Vorlesung Usability Engineering gibt eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (MMI). Ferner vermittelt sie tiefere Einblicke in Konzepte, Methoden und Werkzeuge einer ganzheitlichen, durchgängigen und ingenieursmäßigen ergonomischen Unterstützung von Systementwicklungsprojekten. Dabei wird auf alle relevanten Phasen der Systementwicklung aus Sicht der Ergonomie eingegangen (Projektmanagement, Anforderungsanalyse, Entwurf, Integration, Überleitung in die Nutzung). Die Inhalte stützen sich auf ein Vorgehen gemäß Usability Engineering, welches in der wissenschaftlichen Welt etabliert ist und in der Praxis weiterentwickelt und erprobt wird.

Seminars, winter term 2017/18

Seminars, Bachelor Level

This proseminar includes topics of subareas of visual computing especially computer graphics, visualisation, and game programming.

Each student is to choose a specific topic and to work on it assisted by his tutor.

The obtained research results and written elaborations will be considered and discussed in a concluding plenary session.

Further details

Photorealistic rendering is a collection of techniques that allow for calculation of light transport in a way to make the results (nearly) indistinguishable from photos. These techniques are often physically based. Together, we will explore these fields. Each participant is to prepare and present one topic.

Further details

Media Informatics is a broad field spanning many research directions and topics. In this seminar we focus on research trends in human-computer interaction (HCI) in autonomous driving, assistive technologies, games, virtual reality and wearable computing. This seminar aims to provide an overview of different research directions and current challenges that are focus of active research around the world and at our institute.

Further information

The graduate seminar is dedicated to all bachelor students to give them the opportunity to show their thesis results to the public. It also provides a platform to present project results or results of the applied subject projects.

All interested colleagues and students are warmly invited to join this event.

Further details (constantly updated event calendar)

Seminars, Master Level

Photorealistic rendering is a collection of techniques that allow for calculation of light transport in a way to make the results (nearly) indistinguishable from photos. These techniques are often physically based. Together, we will explore these fields. Each participant is to prepare and present one topic.

Further details

Media Informatics is a broad field spanning many research directions and topics. In this seminar we focus on research trends in human-computer interaction (HCI) in autonomous driving, assistive technologies, games, virtual reality and wearable computing. This seminar aims to provide an overview of different research directions and current challenges that are focus of active research around the world and at our institute.

Further information

The graduate seminar is dedicated to all master students to give them the opportunity to show their thesis results to the public. It also provides a platform to present project results or results of the applied subject projects.

All interested colleagues and students are warmly invited to join this event.


Further details

Applied Subjects and Projects, Bachelor Level

The projects will focus on research problems in the field of real-time grafics rendering.

Further information

This course spanning two semesters conveys knowledge about the application and design of digital educational games, so called serious games, with regards to their cognitive and affective effects. It includes the analysis of existing serious games. In addition, participants are offered the opportunity to conceptualise, implement, test by means of schematic play testing algorithms, and enhance novel educational game concepts  autonomously.

Interaktive Systeme I bildet zusammen mit Interaktive Systeme II im folgenden Semester das Anwendungsfach Interaktive Systeme im Bachelor- bzw. Masterstudiengang Medieninformatik.

Im ersten Teil geht es darum, »suboptimale« Interaktionskonzepte bestehender Systeme zu analysieren und einem Redesign-Prozess zu unterwerfen. Daraus wird ein Redesign-Projekt abgeleitet und durchgeführt. Die Projektarbeit wird mit Kurzreferaten zu Themen mit direktem Bezug zur Projektarbeit komplettiert.

Die Veranstaltung ist als problemorientierter Projektunterricht konzipiert, der in Gruppenarbeit erfolgt.

Weitere Details zur Veranstaltung

Die Veranstaltung bildet zusammen mit Interaktives Informationsdesign I im vorangegangenen Semester das Anwendungsfach Interaktives Informationsdesign im Bachelorstudiengang Medieninformatik.

Im Anwendungsfach Interaktives Informationsdesign liegt das Hauptaugenmerk auf der grafischen Aufbereitung von komplexen Themen, Sachverhalte und Fakten, sodass sie in kurzer Zeit umfassend verstanden werden können. Die Veranstaltung ist in beiden Teilen als problemorientierter Projektunterricht konzipiert, der in Gruppenarbeit erfolgt. Ein Quereinstieg dieses Semester ist nicht möglich.


Note on 'Interaktives Video' (Applied subject)

This topic is no longer on offer. Please choose among the present project alternatives.

Applied subjects and Projects, Master Level

The projects will focus on research problems in the field of real-time grafics rendering.

Further information

The projects are about information visualisation and scientific visualisation. The focus lies on interactive techniques which enable to interact with the visualisation, e.g. via filtering or change of rendering parameters.

Further information

Project in this field of application imply learning about the deployment and design of digital learning games or so calles serious games, in particular with regards to cognitive and affective implications. They are mostly based on the on the analysis of existing game concepts. Furthermore, participants have the opportunity to autonomously conceptualize, and implement learning games as well as enhance theses games by means of systematic play testing.

The current projects are on their way - you may join new projects next semester.

This course is an offer to extensively explor research topics of human computer interaction. The project will first be conceptualised based on existing research. You will then draw and discuss a realistic schedule of subsequent tasks. The project itself will be carried out in small groups of four to five students.

Weitere Informationen

Interaktive Systeme I bildet zusammen mit Interaktive Systeme II im folgenden Semester das Anwendungsfach Interaktive Systeme im Bachelor- bzw. Masterstudiengang Medieninformatik.

Im ersten Teil geht es darum, »suboptimale« Interaktionskonzepte bestehender Systeme zu analysieren und einem Redesign-Prozess zu unterwerfen. Daraus wird ein Redesign-Projekt abgeleitet und durchgeführt. Die Projektarbeit wird mit Kurzreferaten zu Themen mit direktem Bezug zur Projektarbeit komplettiert.

Die Veranstaltung ist als problemorientierter Projektunterricht konzipiert, der in Gruppenarbeit erfolgt.

Weitere Details zur Veranstaltung

Die Veranstaltung bildet zusammen mit Interaktives Informationsdesign I im vorangegangenen Semester das Anwendungsfach Interaktives Informationsdesign im Masterstudiengang  Medieninformatik.

Im Anwendungsfach Interaktives Informationsdesign liegt das Hauptaugenmerk auf der grafischen Aufbereitung von komplexen Themen, Sachverhalte und Fakten, sodass sie in kurzer Zeit umfassend verstanden werden können. Die Veranstaltung ist in beiden Teilen als problemorientierter Projektunterricht konzipiert, der in Gruppenarbeit erfolgt.

You are welcome to join the new projects in this subject area in the next semester.

The projects are about research problems in visualisation related to virtual reality and games programming. It aims at creating a prototypic, executable system.

Further informationen