Lecture Courses - Winter Semester 2016/17

We offer an otherview of the courses tought by members of the institute of media informatics during winter term 2016/17. The list is organised according to type and target audience - bachelor or master student.
The pages are subject of constant updating processes. In particular, the announcement of the graduates' seminar are constantly updated.
If you have any subject related questions about a particular lecture, please turn on the relevant lecturer.
On this web site, we solely present information about the teaching activities of the insitute of media informatics.
Detailed information about the bachelor's or master's programme informatics and media informatics, such as course schemes, e.g., is given by the dean on other pages.
Lectures, winter semester 2016/17
Lectures - Bachelor Level
This lecture covers basic concepts of computer graphics. It particularily emphasises realtime grafic such as used in computer games, for instance. Else, it focusses on the rendering pipeline as a conceptual basis to contemporary systems of image synthesis.
Selected algorithms are first dealt with as to their theoretic foundations. Then, some are implemented during exercise sessions.
The implementation uses C or C++ in combination with the grafic standard OpenGL.
The course covers some of the basics in technologies for modern game engines. The focus is put on advanced graphical effects and the acceleration of rendering large virtual worlds. The lectures in the course will cover the theoretical parts of the different algorithms involved, and then in the exercises this theory will be put into practice.
The practical implementation is done in C / C++ in combination with the OpenGL graphics API.
Die Studierenden sollen in die Lage versetzt werden, grundlegende Elemente der Gestaltung praktisch einsetzen zu können. Es geht darum, die gestalterischen Mittel der Typografie und Dramaturgie konzeptionell und praktisch angewenden zu können. Das darüber hinaus vermittelte Wissen über Wahrnehmungstheorie und Medienwissenschaft soll die Studierenden zur Beurteilung bestehender Systeme befähigen.
This lecture is about the development of mobile devices, fundamental interaction concepts, the technologies of mobile devices, central areas of application, and other selected topics such as mobile user experience and the limits of privacy.
See: Further Information.
Die Vorlesung Usability Engineering gibt eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (MMI). Ferner vermittelt sie tiefere Einblicke in Konzepte, Methoden und Werkzeuge einer ganzheitlichen, durchgängigen und ingenieursmäßigen ergonomischen Unterstützung von Systementwicklungsprojekten. Dabei wird auf alle relevanten Phasen der Systementwicklung aus Sicht der Ergonomie eingegangen (Projektmanagement, Anforderungsanalyse, Entwurf, Integration, Überleitung in die Nutzung). Die Inhalte stützen sich auf ein Vorgehen gemäß Usability Engineering, welches in der wissenschaftlichen Welt etabliert ist und in der Praxis weiterentwickelt und erprobt wird.
Lectures - Master Level
This lecture covers basic concepts of computer graphics. It particularily emphasises realtime grafic such as used in computer games, for instance. Else, it focusses on the rendering pipeline as a conceptual basis to contemporary systems of image synthesis.
Selected algorithms are first dealt with as to their theoretic foundations. Then, some are implemented during exercise sessions.
The implementation uses C or C++ in combination with the grafic standard OpenGL.
The course covers some of the basics in technologies for modern game engines. The focus is put on advanced graphical effects and the acceleration of rendering large virtual worlds. The lectures in the course will cover the theoretical parts of the different algorithms involved, and then in the exercises this theory will be put into practice.
The practical implementation is done in C / C++ in combination with the OpenGL graphics API.
This lecture is about the development of mobile devices, fundamental interaction concepts, the technologies of mobile devices, central areas of application, and other selected topics such as mobile user experience and the limits of privacy.
See: Further Information.
Die Vorlesung Usability Engineering gibt eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (MMI). Ferner vermittelt sie tiefere Einblicke in Konzepte, Methoden und Werkzeuge einer ganzheitlichen, durchgängigen und ingenieursmäßigen ergonomischen Unterstützung von Systementwicklungsprojekten. Dabei wird auf alle relevanten Phasen der Systementwicklung aus Sicht der Ergonomie eingegangen (Projektmanagement, Anforderungsanalyse, Entwurf, Integration, Überleitung in die Nutzung). Die Inhalte stützen sich auf ein Vorgehen gemäß Usability Engineering, welches in der wissenschaftlichen Welt etabliert ist und in der Praxis weiterentwickelt und erprobt wird.
Seminars, winter semester 2016/17
Seminares - Bachelor Level
This proseminar includes topics of subareas of visual computing especially computer graphics, visualisation, and game programming.
Each student is to choose a specific topic and to work on it assisted by his tutor.
The obtained research results and written elaborations will be considered and discussed in a concluding plenary session.
The main focus of this semiar is put on additive sound synthesis for gongs based on random sinus tones filtered out of white noise this is by means of resonance filters with variable band width. Else we will generate sequences of tones.
Afterwards, the developed sounds will be discussed in general as well as with regards to their possible adherence to various musical cultures.
Media Informatics is a broad field spanning many research directions and topics. In this seminar we focus on research trends in human-computer interaction (HCI) in autonomous driving, assistive technologies, games, virtual reality and wearable computing. This seminar aims to provide an overview of different research directions and current challenges that are focus of active research around the world and at our institute.
The main objective of the graduate seminar is to give bachelor students the opportunity to present the research results of their thesis. All interested students and colleagues are warmly invited to join us!
Seminars - Master Level
The main focus of this semiar is put on additive sound synthesis for gongs based on random sinus tones filtered out of white noise this is by means of resonance filters with variable band width. Else we will generate sequences of tones.
Afterwards, the developed sounds will be discussed in general as well as with regards to their possible adherence to various musical cultures.
Media Informatics is a broad field spanning many research directions and topics. In this seminar we focus on research trends in human-computer interaction (HCI) in autonomous driving, assistive technologies, games, virtual reality and wearable computing. This seminar aims to provide an overview of different research directions and current challenges that are focus of active research around the world and at our institute.
The graduate geminar is dedicated to all master students to give them the opportunity to show their thesis results to the public.
All interested colleagues and students are warmly invited to join this event.
See: Further Details.
Application Subjects and Projects, winter semester 2016/17
Application Subjects and Projects - Bachelor Level
Interaktive Systemes I and Interaktive Systeme II in the following semester together form the application subject of the bachelor programme Media Informatics or the master programme respectively.
The first part of the course is about the analysis of suboptimal interaction concepts of existing systems and to think of an adequate redesign process. Eventually, this should lead to a resesign project which is to be carried out. The project will be enriched by short elaborations about topics of direct bearing to the ongoing work.
This course is conceived as a problem centred project carried out in team work.
Based on the smallest elements of audio visual media, the camera angle or audio recordings we will study step by step the complexity of media design by the montage of various images and adding up tonal sounds (noise, language, music) and writing up to input of tramaturgical forms. Eventually, at the end of this course, we will have obtained an integrated interactive video or television project.
This course spanning two semesters conveys knowledge about the application and design of digital educational games, so called serious games, with regards to their cognitive and affective effects. It includes the analysis of existing serious games. In addition, participants are offered the opportunity to conceptualise, implement, test by means of schematic play testing algorithms, and enhance novel educational game concepts autonomously.
Application Subjects and Projects - Master Level
Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung soll innerhalb eines Jahres ein umfangreiches Projekt aus dem Bereich Mensch-Computer-Interaktion zunächst theoretisch unter Berücksichtigung existierender Arbeiten konzipiert und anschließend die praktische Realisierung detailliert geplant werden. Die Projekte werden jeweils in Kleingruppen von vier bis fünf Studenten umgesetzt.
Interaktive Systeme I and Interaktive Systeme II in the following semester together form the part 'applied studies' of the bachelor's or master's programme media informatics.
Im ersten Teil geht es darum, »suboptimale« Interaktionskonzepte bestehender Systeme zu analysieren und einem Redesign-Prozess zu unterwerfen. Daraus wird ein Redesign-Projekt abgeleitet und durchgeführt. Die Projektarbeit wird mit Kurzreferaten zu Themen mit direktem Bezug zur Projektarbeit komplettiert.
Die Veranstaltung ist als problemorientierter Projektunterricht konzipiert, der in Gruppenarbeit erfolgt.
Based on the smallest elements of audio visual media, the camera angle or audio recordings we will study step by step the complexity of media design by the montage of various images and adding up tonal sounds (noise, language, music) and writing up to input of tramaturgical forms. Eventually, at the end of this course, we will have obtained an integrated interactive video or television project.
This course spanning two semesters conveys knowledge about the application and design of digital educational games, so called serious games, with regards to their cognitive and affective effects. It includes the analysis of existing serious games. In addition, participants are offered the opportunity to conceptualise, implement, test by means of schematic play testing algorithms, and enhance novel educational game concepts autonomously.
Diese Veranstaltung stellt den zweiten Projektteil des Anwendungsmoduls Ubiquitous Computing im Studiengang Medieninformatik dar. Die Teilnahme am ersten Teil ist verpflichtend, neue Teilnehmer werden nicht aufgenommen.
This course gives you the opportunity to solve interesting problems of computer graphics, visualisation, virtual reality, or game programming together teamed up with other highly motivated students. Eventually, you will create an executable prototype system.