Due to the presidency of Prof. Michael Weber, Web Engineering will be held as a lecture series by the following professors:
<link en in ki staff juniorprof-dr-birte-glimm.html _self external-link-new-window>Juniorprof. Dr. Birte Glimm
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Kargl
The first lecture will be held Thursday, 15 October at 12:00 noon in lecture hall H20! The first event will also introduce the procedure for the exercises running in parallel to the lecture.
Learning Objectives
The students acquire a systematic understanding for the WWW phenomenon, as well as comprehension of the technical foundations of the WWW and its use as an information and communication system. They develop the ability to analyse and systematically design web applications.
The exercises are assigned and should be submitted via Moodle, on a two-weekly basis. Please subscribe to the lecture's Moodle course. The first assignment will be uploaded on Thursday, 16 October, and is due on Wednesday, 28 October.
The assignments' solutions will be discussed during the tutorials, wherein we will also introduce upcoming assignments. The first tutorial will be held Thursday, 29 October: in place of the lecture, at 12:30 in lecture hall H20.
Thu 12:30 - 14:00 | H20
Fri 08:30 - 10:00 | H20
According to the module handbook.