Lecture Course: Digital Media, Summer Term 2020

Important Informations
There will be a kick-off video-call on 21th of April at 10:15. During this video-call, you can ask questions to the lecturer, and all the people responsible for the lab-sessions.
For access to the moodle course (where the video-call will take place as well), please write an email with the subject "[DM] Moodle-Passwort" to christian.van-onzenoodt@uni-ulm.de.
The participant will have learnt about basic concepts of processing, storeing, presentation, and communication of media data via computer based systems. The students are able to use and implement the most relevant algorithms related to different media types. They are competent to analyse and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of selected methods.
- Basics: digital representation, capacity requirements of digital media, encoding, and compression
- Text: Fonts and alphabets, standards of encoding, font styles, advanced text representation
- Graphics: 2D forms and operations/animation, 3D forms and operations/realism
- Images: image compression, image processing
- Video: analogue video, digital video, video compression
- Audio: physical and physiological basics, audio encoding and compression, representation of music
Information LSF (German)
Information LSF for Lab Sessions (German)
Semesterapparat (Literature/Library)