Lecture Course: Interactive Computer Graphics, Summer Term 2022

The students will get to know basic concepts and algorithms of computer graphics. They will be able to fruitfully adopt them to their own graphic applications. This includes polygonal models, texturing, and illumination techniques. Furthermore, all conceptual phases of the rendering pipeline as fundamental steps to image synthesis will be trained. Thus, the students will have the means to apply on CPU and GPU widely used graphics algorithms.
The lecture introduces basic concepts of realtime computer graphics as it is used e.g. in computer games. We focus on the rendering pipeline as a conceptual foundation of modern systems to image synthesis. The considered algorithms will be introduced and discussed in theory first. A selection of algorithms will also applied in practice during the exercises. The application uses C/C++ combined with the graphics API OpenGL.
The following issues are dealt with in particular:
- Graphics programming in OpenGL
- Geometric transformations and projections
- Calculating illumination
- Clipping algorithms
- Rasterization and texturing
- Geometric modelling
The exercise hours will take place throughout the semester as an integrated part of the lecture. During the exercises we also arrange a rendering contest where students can implement a project.
Dr Julian Kreiser
The lecture is organised as 3 lecture + 1 exercise units per week.
Date | Tuesday, 14 - 16 cet |
Friday, 10 - 12 cet | |
Place | O28/1002 |
Each second Friday will be used for the exercises.
Artificial Intelligence
- M.Sc. PCS
Computer Sciences
- B.Sc. Main Subject
- M.Sc. PCS
Media Informatics
- B.Sc. Main Subject
- M.Sc. Media Informatics
Software Engineering
- B.Sc. Main Subject
- M.Sc. PCS
- M.Sc. Special Subject Computer Science
- B.Sc. CSE Compulsory Electives CSE
(745 97/145 97)