Powerwall Color Calibration
David Halbig Lopez
Presentation of a bachelor thesis supervised by Sebastian Maisch and Prof. Dr Timo Ropinski
Graduate Seminar Media Informatics, Summer Term 2019
The graduate seminar is dedicated to give an opportunity to our bachelor and master students to present the results of their research.
All interested students and colleagues are warmly welcomed to join us on occasion. We also recommend to attend the presentations to our future graduate students.
The talks will take up twenty minutes approximately in case of master theses and fifteen minutes for bachelor theses. It is followed by an academic discussion.
The following list of events will be currently updated throughout the semester.
Programme, Summer Term 2019
Difficulty Adjustment of Automatically Generated Puzzles Using Emoji-based Self-reports
Sabine Schmidt
Presentation of a Bachelor thesis supervised by Julian Frommel and Prof. Dr. Michael Weber
Effekte eines Level End Screen Designs auf die Spielenden und deren Spielerfahrung
Tina Belligoi
Presentation of a bachelor thesis, supervised by Julian Frommel and Prof. Dr Michael Weber
Combining Interactive Exploration and Search for Navigating Academic Citation Data
David Schmid
Presentation of a master thesis, supervised by Christian van Onzenoodt, David Meißner, Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm, and Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski
Measuring Vergence Errors in Real and Virtual Environments
Ly Nguyen
Presentation of a master thesis, supervised by Teresa Hirzle and Prof. Dr Rukzio
Investigating use of Voice Assistants in public space
Aman Tiwari
Presentation of a Masterthesis, supervised by Gabriel Haas and Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio
Grid-based fluid simulation
Simon der Kinderen
Vorstellung einer Bachelorarbeit, betreut von Sebastian Maisch und Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski
Effects of Background Music: Time Perception in Virtual Reality
Maximilian Milo
Presentation of a bachelor thesis, supervised by Katja Rogers and Prof. Dr-Ing. Michael Weber
Date | see individual announcement |
Room | O27 / 331 |