Teaching - Summer Term 2018

We offer an otherview of the courses tought by members of the institute of media informatics during summer term 2018. The list is organised according to type and target audience - bachelor or master student.
The pages are subject of constant updating processes. In particular, the announcement of the graduates' seminar are constantly updated.
If you have any subject related questions about a particular lecture, please turn on the relevant lecturer.
Lecture Courses, Bachelor Level
The development of user interfaces in vehicles is one of the most challenging questions in human-computer interaction. Today, advances in autonomous driving, digitalisation, and electro-mobility offer new opportunities.
In this lecture course, the student will acquire general knowledge of basic concepts, theories, methods, technologies, and tools for the design, development, and evaluation of automotive user interfaces. The topics addressed will be conveyed interdiciplinarily as well as close to application and research.
This lecture course deals with basics of information visualisation and scientific visualisation. The concept of the visualisation pipeline serves as a common thread to contextualise all introced techniques. The main focus is put on interactive visualisation techniques which allow for interacting e.g. by filtering or manipulating visualisation parameters.
We will consider elementary topics such as digital representation, capacity exigencies of digital media, coding and compression, distribution, and also text, graphics, audio, video formats.
The distribution of information via digital communication channals is embedded in various subareas of law. The lecture course focusses on the most relevant parts of German law.
This lecture course is about the design of creative media and communication, in particular the visual interpretation of auditive events, screen typography, audiovisual dramaturgy, functual and formal-aesthetic design practice and general systematic design methods.
The lecture course first addresses the basics of interactive systems and the introduction of user interfaces. Apart from practical aspects, we will go into the details of various media and formal descriptive methods, e.g., special dialogue notations. If convenient, we will introduce case studies in Java.
Lecture Courses, Master Level
The development of user interfaces in vehicles is one of the most challenging questions in human-computer interaction. Today, advances in autonomous driving, digitalisation, and electro-mobility offer new opportunities.
In this lecture course, the student will aquire general knowledge of basic concepts, theories, methods, technologies, and tools for the design, development, and evaluation of automotive user interfaces. The topics addressed will be conveyed in interdiciplinary as well as close to application and research.
This lecture course deals with basics of information visualisation and scientific visualisation. The concept of the visualisation pipeline serves as a common thread to contextualise all introced techniques. The main focus is put on interactive visualisation techniques which allow for interacting e.g. by filtering or manipulating visualisation parameters.
The distribution of information via digital communication channals is embedded in various subareas of law. The lecture course focusses on the most relevant parts of German law.
The lecture course first addresses the basics of interactive systems and the introduction of user interfaces. Apart from practical aspects, we will go into the details of various media and formal descriptive methods, e.g., special dialogue notations. If convenient, we will introduce case studies in Java.
Seminars, Bachelor Level
This Proseminar is about topics of data visualisation.
We kindly invite you to chose one of the topics on offer or introduce your preferred one.
This proseminar introduces serveral topics of human computer interaction. Each student will work on its chosen topic, elaborate a scientific talk, and summarise its findings in an article in a comprehensible manner.
This seminar deals with visualisation techniques stemming from deep learning. The guiding question is: How can we render training and analysis of neural networks more transparent?
The graduate seminar is dedicated to all master students to give them the opportunity to show their thesis results to the public. It also provides a platform to present project results or results of the applied subject projects.
All interested colleagues and students are warmly invited to join this event.
Seminars, Master Level
This Seminar is about visualisation techniques which stem from deep learning. Our guiding question is: How can we design training and analysis of neural networks to enhance transparency?
The graduate seminar is dedicated to all master students to give them the opportunity to show their thesis results to the public. It also provides a platform to present project results or results of the applied subject projects.
All interested colleagues and students are warmly invited to join this event.
<link en in mi mi-lehre ws1718e seminar-graduate-seminar _blank internal-link internal link current>Further details