Max Rädler, M Sc.

Max Rädler has joint the research group Human-Computer Interaction in March 2024 as phd research assistant.

Max has an M.Sc. with distinction in Media Informatics (2024) from Ulm University. The title of the master thesis was: FACT-AV: Towards a Framework for Calibration of Trust in Automated Vehicles. Before that, he studied Computer Science at Ulm University and obtained his B.Sc in 2021. The title of the bachelor thesis was: Effects of Scene Detection, Scene Prediction, and Maneuver Planning Visualizations on Trust, Situation Awareness, and Cognitive Load in Highly Automated Vehicles.

Research interests

  • Augmented Reality und Virtual Reality
  • Automotive Interfaces
  • Accessibility
  • Machine Learning


Currently I am offering the following theses topics. Please send me an e-mail if you are interested.

You are also welcome to contact me if you are generally interested in projects or theses in the field of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality. Of course I am always open for topic suggestions.

I am looking forward to our cooperation.


Open Topics:

Design Through My Eyes: Supporting Designers with a Vision Impairment Simulator Using Eye-Tracking Level: Bachelor/Master
Talk to Me: Voice User Interfaces in Highly Automated Vehicles for People Who Are Visually Impaired Level: Bachelor/Master
Tell me More: Empowering the Visually Impaired with Situation Awareness Level: Bachelor/Master
Balancing Access and Acceptance: Exploring the Intersection of Personalization and Social Norms in Automotive Interface Design for the Visually Impaired Level: Master

Scientific Activities

  • Conference Reviewer: CHI LBW '24, CSCW '24, MobileHCI '24, MuC '24, CHI-PLAY WIP'24, AutomotiveUI WIP'24
  • 1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" MobileHCI 2024



Colley M, Wanner B, Rädler M, Rötzer M, Frommel J, Hirzle T, Jansen P, Rukzio E. Effects of a Gaze-Based 2D Platform Game on User Enjoyment, Perceived Competence, and Digital Eye Strain. In Proc. of CHI 2024 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems). 2024 May;     [File] 
Stemasov E, Demharter S, Rädler M, Gugenheimer J, Rukzio E. pARam: Leveraging Parametric Design in Extended Reality to Support the Personalization of Artifacts for Personal Fabrication. In: Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2024 May. p. 22.      [DOI]  [Weblink]  [Weblink]      [File] 


Colley M, Rädler M, Glimmann J, Rukzio E. Effects of Scene Detection, Scene Prediction, and Maneuver Planning Visualizations on Trust, Situation Awareness, and Cognitive Load in Highly Automated Vehicles. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT). 2022 Apr.;      [DOI]      [File] 
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