Luca-Maxim Meinhardt, M.Sc.

Luca-Maxim Meinhardt joined the HCI group in February 2022 as a research assistant and PhD student.
He holds a M. Sc. in Human-Computer-Interaction (2021) from the University of Siegen. His master thesis was written in cooperation with the research department of the Carl Zeiss AG. The title of the master thesis was: "Development and design of a novel user-guided smartphone application to self-diagnose corneal astigmatism."
Luca earned his B.A. in media design in 2018 at Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences in Salzgitter. There he wrote his bachelor thesis together with a Hamburg-based design agency.

Research interests

Digital well-being for ubiqioutous technologies
My research area focuses on the disruptive usage of ubiquitous technology and how they influence our digital well-being in the long and short term. Today's smartphones are competing for our attention to keep us in the digital realm as long as possible. In the near future, Extended Reality will be as ubiquitous as smartphones, causing similar problems such as addiction, depression, and mental health issues. 
I believe that technology should be calm instead of destructive. Therefore, in my research, I am aiming to intervene in the excessive usage of ubiquitous future and present technology and pull users back to engage in the real world and towards a meaningful usage of technology.

Ongoing theses and projects

  • Investigating users' reactance to smartphone intervention strategies in situational contexts
  • Creating physical pull factors to increase user's awareness of excessive smartphone usage
  • Increasing user's digital well-being through self-aware session timers
  • Analyzing smartphone distraction during walking and investigating prevention tools
  • Creating a usage budget to increase user's physical thriving and decrease social media consumption
  • Help people to enhance their public speaking skills through peripherical displays
  • Haptic feedback for visually impaired people in automated driving to increase their situation awareness


Currently I am offering the following theses topics. Please send me an e-mail if you are interested.

You are also welcome to contact me if you are generally interested in projects or theses in the field of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. Of course I am always open for any other topic suggestions.

I am looking forward to work together with you.


Open Topics:

  Get Up, Stand Up - Put Down Your Phone - How to turn smartphone sessions into a sporty activity.

  Calm Technology and Digital Detox - How to nudge people towards a healthier technology usage

Academic Activities

Reviewer for:
AutoUI '22, IMWUT '22, CHI LBW '23, Mobile HCI '23



Meinhardt, L., Schramm, C., Jansen, P., Colley, M., & Rukzio, E. (2025, Jan.). "Fly Away: Evaluating the Impact of Motion Fidelity on Optimized User Interface Design via Bayesian Optimization in Automated Urban Air Mobility Simulations" in Proceedings of the CHI 2025 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) , ACM
Meinhardt, L., Wilke, L., Elhaidary, M., von Abel, J., Fink, P., Michael, R., Colley, M., & Rukzio, E. (2025). "Light My Way: Developing and Exploring a Multimodal Interface to Assist People With Visual Impairments to Exit Highly Automated Vehicles" in Proceedings of the CHI 2025 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) (conditionally accepted) , ACM
Meinhardt, L., Elhaidary, M., Colley, M., Rixen, J. O., Michael, R., Purohit, A. K., & Rukzio, E. (2025, Jan.). "Scrolling in the Deep: Analysing Contextual Influences on Intervention Effectiveness during Infinite Scrolling on Social Media" in Proceedings of the CHI 2025 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) (conditionally accepted) , ACM
Colley, M., Czymmeck, J., Jansen, P., Meinhardt, L., Ebel, P., & Rukzio, E. (2025). "UAM-SUMO: Simulacra of Urban Air Mobility Using SUMO To Study Large-Scale Effects" , 10th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI) . ACM/IEEE .


Stampf, A., Sasalovici, M., Meinhardt, L., Colley, M., Giss, M., & Rukzio, E. (2024, Sep.). "Move, Connect, Interact: Introducing a Design Space for Cross-Traffic Interaction" , Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. (IMWUT) . ACM .
Meinhardt, L., Rück, M., Zähnle, J., Elhaidary, M., Colley, M., Rietzler, M., & Rukzio, E. (2024). "Hey, What’s Going On? Conveying Traffic Information to People with Visual Impairments in Highly Automated Vehicles: Introducing OnBoard" , Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. (IMWUT) . ACM .


Rixen, J. O., Belz, J. H., Meinhardt, L., Gugenheimer, J., & Rukzio, E. (2023, Dec.). "Exploring the Effects of Head-Mounted Augmented Reality on Helping Behaviour" , Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia . ACM .
Meinhardt, L., Colley, M., Fassbender, A., & Rukzio, E. (2023, Sep.). "Stairway to Heaven: A Demonstration of Different Trajectories and Weather Conditions in Automated Urban Air Mobility" , Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’23 Adjunct); Joint First Authors . ACM .
Kim, Y. W., Ji, Y. G., Yoon, S. H., Colley, M., & Meinhardt, L. (2023, Sep.). "The 3rd Workshop on User Experience in Urban Air Mobility: What Could We Learn From AutomotiveUI?" , Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’23 Adjunct) . ACM .
Rixen, J. O., Meinhardt, L., Glöckler, M., Schlothauer, A., Ziegenbein, M., Colley, M., Gugenheimer, J., & Rukzio, E. (2023, Sep.). "The Loop and Ways to Break It: Investigating Infinite Scrolling Behaviour in Social Media Applications and Reasons to Stop" , Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI '23) . ACM .
Colley, M., Meinhardt, L., Fassbender, A., Rietzler, M., & Rukzio, E. (2023, Jun.). "Come Fly With Me - Investigating the Effects of Path Visualizations in Automated Urban Air Mobility" , Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT); Joint First Authors .
Meinhardt, L., Van Laerhoven, K., & Dobbelstein, D. (2023, Apr.). "EyesOnMe: Investigating Haptic and Visual User Guidance for Near-Eye Positioning of Mobile Phones for Self-Eye-Examinations" , In Extended Abstracts of CHI 2023 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) .
Meinhardt, L., Colley, M., Fassbender, A., Rietzler, M., & Rukzio, E. (2023, Apr.). "Up, Up and Away - Investigating Information Needs for Helicopter Pilots in Future Urban Air Mobility" , In Extended Abstracts of CHI 2023 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Joint First Authors . ACM , .


Kim, Y. W., Lim, C., Ji, Y. G., Yoon, S. H., Colley, M., & Meinhardt, L. (2022, Sep.). "The 2nd Workshop on User Experience in Urban Air Mobility: From Ground to Aerial Transportation" , 14th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI '22 Adjunct) . ACM .
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