Dr. Julian Kreiser
![[Translate to English:] Julian Kreiser Julian Kreiser](/fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/institut/images/personen/portrait-ehemalig/uulm-kreiser.png)
Julian Kreiser joined the Visual Computing Group in April 2015 as research associate. On March 22nd 2021, he successfully defended his doctoral thesis with the title "Projection-Driven Medical Visualization". He holds a Master of Science which he finished in 2016 at Ulm University in the field of computer science. The title of his Master's thesis was "Interactive Shadow Based Surface Acquisition". Prior to his Master's, Julian studied technical computer science at Ulm University of Applied Science and finished his Bachelor's in 2013.
My current field of research is mainly a crossover of medical visualization and information visualization. I'm interested in all kinds of project regarding this or similar topics.
If you are interested in writing a thesis in this or a similar topic, feel free to write me an eMail or drop by my office.
Media Station Lionman - Museum of Ulm
In Cooperation with the Museum of Ulm we develop a media station around the topic of the Lion-man, a figurine of an animal-shaped sculture. The ivory sculpture made from mammoth tusk is roughly 40.000 years old and its fragments were diecovered in 1939 in the Hohlenstein-Stadel cave. The media station in form of a touch table will cover the topics around the region of discovery, the Hohlenstein-Stadel cave, and the Lion-man figurine itself.
Visual Navigation for Damage Mapping - Ulm Minster
The continuing building activities at the Ulm Minster are a huge challenge for the residentiary site hut. Damages and appropriate building measures have to be recorded, documented, and mapped. Currently, this happens all manually using pen and paper, whereat in a second step, all the data is digitized.
In this project, a tablet app is developed to support these kind of tasks. The main part of our group in this project is the visualization aided navigation and selection of stones at the Ulm Minster using the alread available construction plans to enrich them with additional information.
Visualization of Point Clounds and Additional Information - Ulm Minster
A multitude of information around the Ulm Minster exists, such as images, text, and recently also point cloud scans. This data is visualized all together in a single, interactive application made for exploration. This project is executed together with the Münsterbauhütte Ulm.