Dr. Tobias Drey
Tobias Drey left Ulm University at the end of June 2024. Current information and contact details can be found on LinkedIn.
Tobias Drey joined the HCI Group in March 2019 as a research associate. He focuses his research on using augmented and virtual reality in education. This includes the research of design principles for AR/VR learning applications as well as suitable in-situ authoring tools. Tobias defended his dissertation, "Towards Mixed Reality in Education: Overcoming Challenges of Teaching, Learning, and Authoring", summa cum laude on 27 November 2023. His research is funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) projects AuCity 2 and AuCity 3. Prior to joining the HCI group, he worked as a Software Engineer at Airbus since 2013.
Tobias has an M. Sc. in Computer Science (2017) from Ulm University. The title of the master thesis was: Investigation of the Applicability of Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays for Geographic Information Systems
His B. Eng. in Information Technology attained Tobias 2013 at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Ravensburg/Friedrichshafen. Since 2015, Tobias has been an external lecturer for the lectures Mobile Network Architectures and Mobile Sensors and Actuators and also supervises and grades theses.
DOI: | 10.1145/3701571.3701577 |
DOI: | 10.1145/3701571.3701580 |
Weblink: | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU1WljMbNWY |
File: | /fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/1-hci/hci-paper/2024/VRCreatIn.pdf |
DOI: | http://dx.doi.org/10.18725/OPARU-51635 |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.1145/3544548.3581004 |
Weblink: | https://youtu.be/5nitNnpFocM |
File: | /fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/1-hci/hci-paper/2023/CHI23_Spatial_Abilities_VR_Drey.pdf |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.1145/3550337 |
Weblink: | https://youtu.be/iYGCJtrQIZY |
File: | /fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/1-hci/hci-paper/2022/IMWUT032022_Augmented_Writing.pdf |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.1145/3491102.3517641 |
Weblink: | https://youtu.be/_m32zfsjWcY |
File: | /fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/1-hci/hci-paper/2022/CHI2022_Collaborative_Learning_in_VR_Drey.pdf |
DOI: | 10.1145/3474656 |
Weblink: | https://youtu.be/BFDHEiZZLG8 |
File: | /fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/1-hci/hci-paper/2021/PACMHCI2021_Stuck_in_Games_Tobias_Drey.pdf |
Weblink: | https://youtu.be/wRPfIhUyFl4 |
File: | https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.06221 |
File: | /fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/institut/Papers/Prof_Rukzio/2020/Risks_of_Adaptive_Environments_Tobias_Drey.pdf |
DOI: | 10.1145/3334480.3382789 |
Weblink: | https://youtu.be/3uW-NBEatTg |
File: | /fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/institut/Papers/Prof_Rukzio/2020/Tobias_Drey-Adaptive_Hints-CHI2020_LBW.pdf |
DOI: | 10.1145/3313831.3376628 |
Weblink: | https://youtu.be/XhMiRWOS8PA |
File: | /fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/1-hci/hci-paper/2020/VRSketchIn_Tobias_Drey.pdf |
Weblink: | https://www.ndt.net/article/aero2018/papers/We.5.B.5.pdf |
DOI: | 10.23919/IRS.2018.8448113 |
DOI: | 10.1145/2968219.2971396 |
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