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(March 2022)

Dr Steffen Maurer

Steffen Maurer
Dr Steffen Maurer
Former External PhD Candidate

Dr Steffen Maurer

Steffen Maurer studied Information Engineering at the University of Konstanz with focus on Human-Computer Interaction. He wrote his bachelor's thesis at the HCI departement of Prof. Dr. Reiterer.

After that he studied computer science at the University of Stuttgart and finished his studies with a master's thesis at the HCI departement of Prof. Dr. Schmidt.

Since the end of 2016 he was an external PhD student at the Institute of Media Informatics and defended his phd thesis with the title Guardian Angel - A driver-vehicle interaction for oversteering the driver in a highly automated vehicle in January 2022 successfully.

From 2016 to 2020 he was working for Robert Bosch GmbH in the field of automated driving. He then persued his carreer at DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH.



R. Erbach, S. Maurer, G. Meixner, M. Koller, M. Woide, M. Walch, M. Weber, M. Baumann, P. Grimm, T. Keber, J. Klink-Straub, J. M. Mönig, J. Landesberger, U. Ehrlich and V. Fischer, "KoFFI—The New Driving Experience: How to Cooperate with Automated Driving Vehicles" in Smart Automotive Mobility, Cham: Springer, Sep. 2020.


S. Maurer, L. Scatturin and E. Rukzio, "Playing Guardian Angel: Using a Gamified Approach to Overcome the Overconfidence Bias in Driving", In Proc. of MUM19 (18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia), 2019. ACM.


S. Maurer, S. Kuhnert, I. Kraiem, R. Erbach, P. Grimm and E. Rukzio, "Designing a Guardian Angel: Giving an Automated Vehicle the Possibility to Override its Driver", In Proc. of AutomotiveUI 18 (10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications), Sep. 2018.
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