The Institute of Media Informatics will present the following work at CHI 2016 (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) in San Jose:
Paper (Note):
Jan Gugenheimer, Dennis Wolf, Gabriel Haas, Sebastian Krebs and Enrico Rukzio. SwiVRChair: A Motorized Swivel Chair to Nudge Users’ Orientation for 360 Degree Storytelling in Virtual Reality.
Interactivity (Demo):
Jan Gugenheimer, David Dobbelstein, Christian Winkler, Gabriel Haas and Enrico Rukzio. FaceTouch: Touch Interaction for Mobile Virtual Reality
Late-Breaking Work (Poster):
David Dobbelstein, Philipp Henzler and Enrico Rukzio. Unconstrained Pedestrian Navigation based on Vibro-tactile Feedback around the Wristband of a Smartwatch
Doctoral Consortium:
David Dobbelstein. Unobtrusive Interaction for Wearable Computing