FAQ - Thesis in HCI Group
Information for students
Please note that the full FAQ page is currently only available in German. The internal page will be translated step by step.
For now, here are the most important documents you might need for your thesis:
- To register your thesis, you will need the admission form from here.
- All of the HCI theses start with a short exposee/proposal that describes your plan for the entire project. An example for an outline can be found here.
- If you want to know how your submission will be graded, a grading scheme can be found here.
- Please note that your thesis is your responsibility. Your advisor will try to help you to make the most out of it, but time management, any progress and the final results are your job. If you are unsure of what is expected of you, take a look at the grading scheme above or talk to your advisor beforehand. Once your thesis is submitted, you are committed to its results!
On this page you can find answers for common questions regarding Bachelor or Master theses at the HCI group (Prof. Rukzio).
If you have any additions, corrections or find dead links, please contact: Sigrid Duschek (in.mi[at]uni-ulm.de)
- Disclaimer:
This page was last changed on 8 February 2024. We try to keep the information as current and accurate as possible, but the current exam regulations of the University will always take precendence over this content here!
Before submitting the official application
Topic suggestions of the research group human-computer interaction can be found here.
It might also be worthwhile to discuss derived own suggestions with a member of the work group directly.
Thesis projects of the research group hci can have different foci:
- Classic research in implementation, in which a prototyp is developped and tested
- Research related to evaluation, in which prototypes or existing systems are investigated using human-computer interaction approaches or phenomena.
- Surveys, in which a relevant publications or techniques are examined, classified, and discussed as to their contribution to a specific research topic.
The focus of your work does not necessarily define or expclude methods; projects of implementation may entail user studies, and projects of evaluation may encompass the development of adapted prototypes.
Projects which only concentrate on conception and design are usually not sufficient to count as full satisfying thesis.
A secondary examinor is only necessary in case of a master thesis.
In principle, the second examinor can be any professor of the faculty. There should some overlap in the research area, of course. It is also possible to include any person who by his education (habilitation) or rank (professor) has the right to bestow master titles.
Your supervisor can advise you on choices.
The second examinor has to confirm the supervision of your work and sign your application form. You should also briefly discuss your project and inform about your progress. The second examiner is also invited to attend your closing presentation.
Deadlines are all defined in the examination rules which you should scan meticuously. You should address all related questions to the Studiensekretariat.
Important deadlines can be
- Duration between your last exam and the filing of your thesis application.
- The submission deadlines - shown in your transcript of records
- Terms for the submission of the thesis assessment to be observed by the examiner(s).
- Deadlines to meet goals of credit points, defined by the examination rules.
Thesis projects embedded in the challenges and expectations of a private corporation and the university are possible and bring along their own set of difficulties and administrative paper work.
Please discuss the modalities in advance with your examiner (professor) before signing any contracts.
Application for a thesis
If you are interested in a specific topic, please meet the compatible supervisor.
The supervisor is usually a phd research assistant involved in teaching activities and/or third party funded research projects of the research group human-computer interaction. However, ultimately the examiner - Prof. Rukzio - is in charge of the entire process and has to sign forms, assist the final presenation, and submit the assessment document including your final grade to the Studiensekretariat.
The first step, you are asked to elaborate an exposé or proposal. This document should contain and explain
- central research questions
- a first overview of relevant research/literature
- your strategy how to address and solve the research question(s)
- a schedule with milestones of your thesis projects
The exposé is supposed to clarify your ideas of the entire project before actually start working. It is also a basis for further discussions with your supervisor to give her/him a chance to intervene.
The exposé is not written in stone but a major step of the conception phase. The time invested in preparatory research is not lost, because the outcome will be integrated in your written report.
An overview of typical content of an exposé can be downloaded. Its length is determined by 'as long as necessary, as short as possible'. The typical time to sketch an exposé is one or two weeks.
The form is provided by the Studiensekretariat: Formulare
For an application for a bachelor thesis, you require the signature of Prof. Rukzio. The application for a master thesis demands the signature of two examiners. Please give the document - already including all relevant information and your signature - to your supervisor who will then forward it to Prof. Rukzio.
Your supervisor will assist you in completing the first page of the form, the second is only added for the puposes of the Studiensekretariat.
If everything but for Prof. Rukzio's signature is ready, we wil scan and submit the form on your behalf via e-mail.
The completed and signed form can be submitted as a scan (both pages) to the Studiensekretariat via e-mail. Please choose an appropriate subject (Application for .../study programme ...).
If possible, the institute will act on your behalf.