Bachelor & master theses in the research field of human-computer interaction

We offer thesis topics for bachelor and master level of the study programmes media informatics, computer science, software engineering, and cognitive systems.

Below you can find an uptodate list of topic suggestions. Of cource, we are open to discuss any proposals by students in our research field. The descriptions are partially only visible inside the campus net.

If you are interested, please directly get in touch with a research associate of the research group.

For further questions about howto conceptualise and write a thesis, please take a look at the FAQ section.

Overview of currently available thesis topics (bachelor level)

Increasing the Acceptance and Positive Perception of Urban Greening AgentsSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Exploring Data Physicalization for Understanding of Environmental DataSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Investigating the Role of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Environmental SustainabilitySupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Breaking the Rebound: Exploring Strategies for Sustainable ConsumptionSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Driving Change: Approaches to Support Green Mobility HabitsSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Using Online Content Analysis and Language Processing to Unravel Factors Towards Sustainable BehaviorSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Sustainability-in-Design: Reframing the Human-Technology RelationshipSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Digital Roots: Fostering Nature Engagement in a Technologically Driven WorldSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Adaptive Autonomous Vehicle Driving StyleSupervisor: Annika Stampf
Anthropomorphism in Highly Automated VehiclesSupervisor: Annika Stampf
Hello Me! – How Similarity and Mimicry of In-Vehicle Assistants Effect Trust in Highly Automated VehiclesSupervisor: Annika Stampf
Implicit Interaction Concepts for Highly Automated VehiclesSupervisor: Annika Stampf
Get Up, Stand Up - Put Down Your Phone - How to turn smartphone sessions into a sporty activity.Supervisor: Luca Meinhardt and Jana Funke
Calm Technology and Digital Detox - How to nudge people towards a healthier technology usageSupervisor: Luca Meinhardt
Lost in translation – Enhancing the explainability of online translatorsSupervisor: Luca Meinhardt
Constant motion stimulus for peripherical vision to create Unconscious NotificationsSupervisor: Luca Meinhardt
Design Through My Eyes: Supporting Designers with a Vision Impairment Simulator Using Eye-TrackingSupervisor: Max Rädler
Talk to Me: Voice User Interfaces in Highly Automated Vehicles for People Who Are Visually ImpairedSupervisor: Max Rädler
Tell me More: Empowering the Visually Impaired with Situation AwarenessSupervisor: Max Rädler
A small step for man... Human-Computer Interaction for Space ExplorationSupervisor: Pascal Jansen
Interfaces for Explainable In-Vehicle AISupervisor: Pascal Jansen

Overview of currently available thesis topics (master level)

Increasing the Acceptance and Positive Perception of Urban Greening AgentsSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Investigating the Role of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Environmental SustainabilitySupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Online Content Analysis and Language Processing to Unravel Factors towards Sustainable BehaviorSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Digital Roots: Fostering Nature Engagement in a Technologically Driven WorldSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Exploring Data Physicalization for Understanding of Environmental DataSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Sustainability-in-Design: Reframing the Human-Technology RelationshipSupervisor: Albin Zeqiri
Get Up, Stand Up - Put Down Your Phone - How to turn smartphone sessions into a sporty activity.Supervisor: Luca Meinhardt and Jana Funke
Calm Technology and Digital Detox - How to nudge people towards a healthier technology usageSupervisor: Luca-Maxim Meinhardt
Lost in translation – Enhancing the explainability of online translatorsSupervisor: Luca-Maxim Meinhardt
Constant motion stimulus for peripherical vision to create Unconscious NotificationsSupervisor: Luca-Maxim Meinhardt
Obstacle-Avoidance and Path Visualisation in Urban Air MobilitySupervisor: Luca-Maxim Meinhardt
Perceived Safety in Piloting for Urban Air MobilitySupervisor: Luca-Maxim Meinhardt
Adaptive Autonomous Vehicle Driving StyleSupervisor: Annika Stampf
Anthropomorphism in Highly Automated VehiclesSupervisor: Annika Stampf
Hello Me! – How Similarity and Mimicry of In-Vehicle Assistants Effect Trust in Highly Automated VehiclesSupervisor: Annika Stampf
Implicit Interaction Concepts for Highly Automated VehiclesSupervisor: Annika Stampf
Is this real? Understanding the perception of virtual worlds and how to manipulate itSupervisor: Annalisa Degenhard
Talk to Me: Voice User Interfaces in Highly Automated Vehicles for People Who Are Visually ImpairedSupervisor: Max Rädler
Tell me More: Empowering the Visually Impaired with Situation AwarenessSupervisor: Max Rädler
Balancing Access and Acceptance: Exploring the Intersection of Personalization and Social Norms in Automotive Interface Design for the Visually ImpairedSupervisor: Max Rädler
A small step for man... Human-Computer Interaction for Space ExplorationSupervisor: Pascal Jansen
Interfaces for Explainable In-Vehicle AISupervisor: Pascal Jansen

Details about individual topics