News - Human Computer Interaction, Prof. Dr Rukzio

Prof. Dr Harald Reiterer - research colloquium

Ulm University

Blended Interaction: Understanding Natural Interaction in Post-WIMP Interactive Spaces. Talk at 25th January 2018 as part of the research colloquium 'Cogntive Systems', Room 47.0.501 (Teaching block WWP), 5-7 pm.

Invited by Prof. Rukzio, Prof. Reiterer will deliver a speach about blended learning.

Abstract. Interactive spaces are ubiquitous computing environments for a computer-supported collaboration that builds on and enhances the pre-existing motor, spatial, social, and cognitive skills of groups of users by augmenting their work environments (e.g., meeting rooms, design studios, or libraries) with interactive technologies. The power of digital computation is blended with natural work practices and collaboration styles and the virtues of physical and digital artifacts are combined in a considered manner so that desired properties of each are preserved and a seemingly “natural” human-computer interaction is achieved. In this talk, Blended Interaction will be introduced as a conceptual framework for understanding and designing natural post-WIMP interaction in interactive spaces. In particular, it uses conceptual integration to explain how the power of the digital world can be blended with the users’ pre-existing skills and practices. Blended Interaction also introduces four domains of design that have to be considered throughout analysis and design of interactive spaces: individual interaction, social interaction, workflow, and physical environment. The framework will be illustrated using design decisions we made in recent projects.

All interested in blended learing are welcome. Further information about the colloquium cognitive systems are available.