News - Human Computer Interaction, Prof. Dr Rukzio

New Lecture: Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications

Ulm University

Starting with summer term 2017, we offer a new, highly topical lecture about automotive user interfaces and interactive applications in this context.

The developmetn of user interfaces within vehicles is one of the most challenging areas within the research field of human computer interaction, which currently is undergoing fundamental changes related to automomous driving, digitalization, and e-mobility. Students are tought a well structured understanding of basic concepts, theories, methods, technologies, and tools to conceptualize, design, impement, and evaluate automotive user interfaces. The content referred to is taught in a way appropriate to interdisciplinary as well as user-oriented research. It originates from research linked to psychology, informatics, design, engineering, and ethics.

The lecture will be supplemented with contributions of external lecturers with research and industrial background. To provoce hands-on experience about the conception, implementation, and evaluation of automotive user interfaces, the lecture will be complemented by supervised exercises.