News - Human Computer Interaction, Prof. Dr Rukzio

Dr Daniel Buschek - Research Colloquium

Ulm University

Behaviour-Aware User Interfaces |

Contribution to the research colloquium 'Cognitive Systems'

on 6th December 2018.

Prof. Rukzio has invited Dr Daniel Buschek, Ludwigs Maximilians University Munich, to present research results about Behaviour-Aware User Interfaces.

Abstract: I introduce the concept of behaviour-aware user interfaces, which improve interaction by assessing and taking into account how the user performs interactions with a system. In particular, they do so by addressing or exploiting variability in user behaviour. The fundamental hypothesis is that we can advance Human-Computer-Interaction not only by investigating new interaction techniques and devices, but also by utilising more of the information that is already contained in input actions.

This talk first presents an overview of my work on mobile touch devices, demonstrating the value of behaviour-aware user interfaces in three application areas:

  1.  Enhancing input - by modelling users' touch behaviour to increase accuracy and adapt to constraints.
  2. Facilitating privacy and security - by observing behaviour patterns to implicitly verify user identity or detect user changes.
  3. Increasing expressiveness - by enabling interfaces to pass on behaviour variability from input to output space.

This overview is complemented by a methodological reflection and an outlook on further projects that utilise user behaviour details and context information.


Further information about the colloquium.