News - Human Computer Interaction, Prof. Dr Rukzio

ACM CHI 2016

Ulm University

The Institute of Media Informatics will present the following work at CHI 2016 (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) in San Jose:

Paper (Note):

Jan Gugenheimer, Dennis Wolf, Gabriel Haas, Sebastian Krebs and Enrico Rukzio. Opens external link in new windowSwiVRChair: A Motorized Swivel Chair to Nudge Users’ Orientation for 360 Degree Storytelling in Virtual Reality.

Interactivity (Demo):

Jan Gugenheimer, David Dobbelstein, Christian Winkler, Gabriel Haas and Enrico Rukzio. Opens external link in new windowFaceTouch: Touch Interaction for Mobile Virtual Reality

Late-Breaking Work (Poster):

David Dobbelstein, Philipp Henzler and Enrico Rukzio. Opens external link in new windowUnconstrained Pedestrian Navigation based on Vibro-tactile Feedback around the Wristband of a Smartwatch

Doctoral Consortium:

David Dobbelstein. Opens external link in new windowUnobtrusive Interaction for Wearable Computing