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The research carried out by the institute of media informatics aims at optimizing the dialog between human and computer. Therefore, we study mobile and distributed interaction scenarios as well as interactive visualization, data analysis and computer graphics algorithms. Our research results find application in consumer electronics, driver assistance systems, archaeology and biomedical visualization - just to name a few.
The teaching activities cover topics in the areas of human computer interaction and visualization. In addition, we offer basic lectures adapted to the degree programme of media informatics.

Research Groups
The research is carried out in three research groups:
- Research Group Visual Computing
Prof. Dr Timo Ropinski - Research Group Human Computer Interaction
Prof. Dr Enrico Rukzio - Research Group Pervasive User Interfaces
Prof. Dr Michael Weber
Congratulation to successful phd defence to Dr. Jana Funke
Congratulation to successful PhD defence to Dr. Evgeny Stemasov
Defence/Stemasov, E. : "Enabling Ubiquitous Personal Fabrication: Low-Effort and Expressive In-Situ Interactions Using Extended Reality"
Farewell party for Sigrid Duschek
Link to news archive.
Iris Terwedow
Phone: +49 (0)731/50-31 304
Email: iris.terwedow(at)
Ulm University
Institute of Media Informatics
89069 Ulm
Detail about the location and arrival routes with public transportation or by car, including information about parking lots.