PANDA - Planning and Acting in Network Decomposition Architecture
The PANDA project consists of the following components and programs:
- The PANDA planning system is a hierarchical planning system that is able to solve several classes of hierarchical planning problems. There are three variants of the system that use different solving techniques:
- PANDApss uses heuristic plan space search by combining hierarchical planning with POCL Planning (Partial Order Causal Link Planing).
- PANDApro uses heuristic progression search.
- PANDAtotSAT solves totally ordered hierarchical planning problems by using a transformation to a sequence of SAT problems.
- The PANDA planning system, hybrid planning system, which combines hierarchical planning with POCL planning (Partial-Order Causal-Link planning).
- PANDA repair, additional routines of the PANDA planning system, which allow to repair plans that failed during execution.
- The PANDA editor, a graphical tool to create hybrid planning domains and problems.
- The PANDA plan space visualizer, a debugging tool to display the search space (a tree of partial plans), the nodes of which can be displayed and inspected in detail.
- The PANDA plan explanation system, a program to explain partial plans. Possible questions that can be answered are, for example, the necessity of an action in a partial plan or why there is a specific ordering constraint.
- The PANDA verifier, a program for the verification of potential solutions: given a hierarchical planning problem and a plan, the program verifies whether the plan is a solution for the problem. That is, it verifies whether the plan is executable and whether it a refinement of the initial partial plan.
Download of the PANDA project
All these different program components are delivered together in one single program, in which the different components and functionalities can be chosen.
- Source code of the project. This archive contains a central readme, which describes how the runnable jar can be created. Version: 14.11.2019 (cf. README.txt). The latest version is available on GitHub.
- Executable planner. This archive contains the built planner as jar file, which has to be started using a Java VM. After starting PANDA, it explains in detail how it has to be used. Version: 14.11.2019.
- Planning domains and problems. This archive contains the latest version of the planning domains and problem instances that we have used in many of our papers, name Woodworking, UM-Translog, SmartPhone, Satellite, PCP, Transport, Rover, and Entertainment. Version: 21.03.2019.
- Totally-Ordered Planning domains and problems. This archive contains the latest version of the (potentially easier) totally-ordered version of our planning domains and problem instances that we have used in many of our papers, name Woodworking, UM-Translog, SmartPhone, Satellite, Transport, Rover, and Entertainment. Note that there can be in theory no meaningful, totally-ordered version of the PCP domain. Version: 16.06.2018.