With appointment.
Dr. Marvin Schiller
I worked as a postdoctoral researcher for the University of Ulm from October 2012 till November 2018. My main interests are knowledge representation and cognitive modelling. In December 2018, I joined Robert Bosch GmbH.
Further Information
My current research combines automated reasoning in description logics with natural language generation. This way, the reasoning process and the required knowledge to justify why a derivable statement holds can be made transparent to users who are not familiar with the underlying formalisms.
Currently I am a member of the study commission for the program <link in fakultaet studium studiengaenge cognitive-systems>Master of Cognitive Systems. I have been a PC member for the conference KESW (2014,2015,2016). My reviewing activity is currently focused on the following conferences: AAAI (2013, 2015), KI (2013, 2016), IJCAI (2016), IJCAR (2016), ESWC (2017) and the DL workshop (2013,2014,2015).
- TA for Lecture Course "Introduction to Computer Science for Psychologists" (WS 2016/2017)
- Seminar facilitator for the "Seminar Cognitive Modeling" (SS 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016) (in German, together with Dr. Florian Schmitz, Juniorprof. Birte Glimm, Prof. Oliver Wilhelm)
- Head TA for "Introduction to Computer Science" (WS 2013/2014, WS 2014/2015)
- TA for "Semantic Web Essentials"
- TA for Lecture course "Algorithms in Knowledge Representation"
- TA for Einführung in die Künstliche Intelligenz (WS 2012/2013), Uni Ulm
- Head TA for Stammvorlesung Künstliche Intelligenz (WS 2006/2007), Uni des Saarlandes
Currently I work in the SFB-funded project "Do it yourself, but not alone: Companion-Technologie für die Heimwerkerunterstützung".
I supervise students' theses and projects that fit my scientific expertise.
Currently I am developing a software that translates derivations in description logic to natural-language text (in English). The code of the prototype is available on github: