Title | Authors |
An Assessment Framework for DialPort | Kyusong Lee, Tiancheng Zhao, Stefan Ultes, Lina Rojas-Barahona, Eli Pincus, David Traum and Maxine Eskenazi |
Eliciting Positive Emotional Impact in Dialogue Response Selection | Nurul Lubis, Sakriani Sakti, Koichiro Yoshino and Satoshi Nakamura |
Automatic Evaluation of Chat-oriented Dialogue Systems using Large-scale Multi-references | Hiroaki Sugiyama, Toyomi Meguro and Ryuichiro Higashinaka |
What information should a dialogue system understand?: Collection and analysis of perceived information in chat-oriented dialogue | Koh Mitsuda, Ryuichiro Higashinaka and Yoshihiro Matsuo |
Predicting Interaction Quality in Customer Service Dialogs | Svetlana Stoyanchev, Soumi Maiti and Srinivas Bangalore |
Domain Complexity and Policy Learning in Task-oriented Dialogue Systems | Alexandros Papangelis, Stefan Ultes and Yannis Stylianou |
A conversational dialogue manager for the humanoid robot ERICA | Pierrick Milhorat, Divesh Lala, Koji Inoue, Zhao Tianyu, Masanari Ishida, Katsuya Takanashi, Shizuka Nakamura and Tatsuya Kawahara |
Building rapport with extraverted and introverted agents | Jacqueline Brixey and David Novick |
Direct and Mediated Interaction with a Holocaust Survivor | Bethany Lycan and Ron Artstein |
On the Applicability of a User Satisfaction-based Reward for Dialogue Policy Learning | Stefan Ultes, Juliana Miehle and Wolfgang Minker |
Regularized Neural User Model for Goal Oriented Spoken Dialogue Systems | Manex Serras, María Inés Torres and Arantza Del Pozo |
Yeah, Right, Uh-Huh: A Deep Learning Backchannel Predictor | Robin Ruede, Markus Müller, Sebastian Stüker and Alex Waibel |
Acoustic-Prosodic Entrainment in Multi-Party Spoken Dialogues: Does Simple Averaging Extend Existing Pair Measures Properly? | Zahra Rahimi, Diane Litman and Susannah Paletz |
A Social Companion and Conversation Partner for Elderly | Juliana Miehle, Ilker Bagci, Wolfgang Minker and Stefan Ultes |
Chunks in Multiparty Conversation - Building Blocks for Extended Social Talk | Emer Gilmartin, Carl Vogel, Nick Campbell and Benjamin Cowan |
Towards metrics of Evaluation of Pepper robot as a Social Companion for Elderly People | Melanie Garcia, Guillaume Dubuisson-Duplessis, Gabrielle Pittaro, Laurence Devillers and Lucile Béchade |
An Ontology-Based Dialogue Management System for Virtual Personal Assistants | Michael Wessel, Girish Acharya, James Carpenter and Min Yin |
Debbie, the Debate Bot of the Future | Geetanjali Rakshit, Kevin Bowden, Lena Reed, Amita Misra and Marilyn Walker |
Feature Inference Based on Label Propagation on Wikidata Graph for DST | Yukitoshi Murase, Koichiro Yoshino, Masahiro Mizukami and Satoshi Nakamura |
Comparing Priming Effects of Visual and Textual Task Representations - Texts can Influence Users' Utterances. | Patrick Ehrenbrink and Stefan Hillmann |
Exploring the Applicability of Elaborateness and Indirectness in Dialogue Management | Louisa Pragst, Wolfgang Minker and Stefan Ultes |
Two persons dialogue corpus made by multiple crowd-workers | Tetsuro Takahashi and Hikaru Yokono |
Single-model Multi-domain Dialogue Management with Deep Learning | Alexandros Papangelis and Yannis Stylianou |
An Open-source Dialog System with Real-Time Engagement Tracking for Job Interview Training Applications | Zhou Yu, Vikram Ramanarayanan, Patrick Lange and David Suendermann-Oeft |