During this term’s graduation celebration, which took place at Ulm University on November 27th, 2015, our graduate Karoline Blendinger, M.Sc. (in picture) was honored with the eXXcellence Award for her outstanding master's degree. In her thesis project entitled "Tablet Applications for the Elderly: Specific Usability Guidelines", she was co-supervised and supported by the DBIS staff members Johannes Schobel and Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert.
Karoline shared her award with Katja Rogers, M.Sc who accomplished her master project entitled "Exploring Visitor Experiences in a Small-Group Museum Setting via Information Visualisation on Handheld Devices" at the renowned University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Katja was co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio (Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University) und Prof. Aaron Quiqley (University of St. Andrews)
The DBIS team congratulates both Karoline and Katja on their excellent theses and wishes them all the best for their future endeavors.