In the winter term 2019/20, Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert hold a lecture series on Big Data und Data Science in Ulm. At the invitation of the Board of Ulm University, in his presentation "Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science" on 4 December 2019, he gave an introduction into data science as well as an overview of ongoing data science activities the university council. In the lecture series "Algorithms - Our Future?", which had been organized by the Humboldt-Studienzentrum, his lecture "Algorithms in Data Science" on 4 February 2020 provided exciting insights into the diversity of machine learning algorithms and their applications. On 6 February 2020, at the invititation of the Initiative, Manfred's presentation on "Data Science in Ulm, around Ulm and in the Rest of the World" followed, which was attended by high-ranking representatives of the regional industry, the city of Ulm and the universities of Ulm. The lecture series was completed by Manfred's presentation "From Big Data to Data Science: Challenges, Technologies, Applications" at the Nuclear Medicine Clinic of Ulm University at 14 February 2020.
Lecture Series on Data Science
Ulm University Ulm University