Manfred Reichert was invited keynote speaker of the Process Day organized by the
Austrian Society for Process Management at the Danube University Krems. As main theme of this event, process management in healthcare was chosen. In his keynote presentation, Manfred gave fundamental insights into the flexible IT support of healthcare processes. This included organizational processes in hospitals and their workflow-based support (e.g., handling of medical orders) as well as IT support for patient treatment processes, medical guidelines, and clinical pathways.
Particular attention was paid on methods, concepts and technologies targeting at the FLEXIBLE IT SUPPORT of these different process categories as well as the integration of healthcare processes with mobile devices (e.g., smartphones or tablets). Manfred has long-term experiences with projects on healthcare process support. Furthermore, he has been co-chair of the international workshop series on process-oriented information systems in healthcare (ProHealth), which will have its 8th edition this year.
Manfred Reichert: EDV-Assistenz auf Schritt, Tritt und Trage: Nachhaltige Verbesserung von Patientenbehandlungsprozessen durch den Einsatz flexibler und mobiler Informationstechnologien
Invited keynote presentation, Process Day, Austrian Process Management Society; Danube University Krems, Austria, 17 March 2015